Kenya Tree Coral

Most of my frags and my corals in my tank are doing good and I recently got quite a bit more that all opened up the next day and are doing good. For some reason, the only coral that’s not doing good is the Kenya trees. I have a rock that has a bunch of small to medium ones on it and also a few small random ones in other areas. A couple of the ones on the rock have a little bit of red slime on them but I know you can’t put red slime treatment directly on the coral or it will kill it. However, even the ones not near those are doing bad. It doesn’t make sense to me why all the corals are doing great, even the more difficult ones, and I can’t keep a few Kenya trees looking good.


have you moved them around so they can find thier happy place? try more flow. Lowerr light time and feed less for the red slime as well as more flow helps. I have found that more flow in a circuler motion orpower heads aimed at each other helps

They were doing fine the whole time they’ve been in there for a couple of months and just recently they took a dive. I had one circulation pump on the left hand side and yesterday I added another one to the right side and aimed them at each other like you said. We’ll see if that helps. I don’t understand why all my corals and frags are flourishing and all the Kenya trees in multiple places are all taking a dive. ???

I don’t think your Kenya tree is taking a dive like you think its doing. Kenya tree are know to shrivel up for a while usually a couple of days and sometime up to a week, but I don’t know the reason behind it. Then it should bloom right back up as usual. Next thing you know it will drop babies all over the place. Kenya tree are hard to kill and I think your is doing fine in your tank.

Yeah, mine have been known to throw hissy fits. They shrivel up (usually if I forget to top-off with RODI for too long and the salinity goes up a bit, like from 1.025 → 1.027) every once in awhile, I don’t sweat it too much. I kinda like it, it reminds me to test the parameters in the tank and get things to where they need to be.