Kritter Kove will be closing

So the rumor is that Doug sold the Kritter Kove to a guy who plans on making the store a fish only store. The rumor also says that it will be salt only store. I have yet to talk to Doug to get the details but I figured I would pass the word along.

That’s it. I had hopes for his place. Been in there a few times, but it seems he was closed more often than being open.

Its a wonder he stayed open this long. Has been “working” on his fish room for 2 yrs now. He cant even return a call. I called him a week ago and he said he would call me back. Took my number and never heard from him. I even contacted him on FB and he said he would call me back. Still no response.

He would always open late or not open at all and post it on FB. Not everyone is on FB. If you are going to be open during certain hours then be open. I know emergencies happen but he was constantly doing it.

The few times I was there they had extremely limited livestock, no prices on many dry goods and no straight answers on what was happening to remedy anything. I hope for the hobby the next store is better.

You and Dunk the new owners Jason? You help enough people out in this hobby, when is it time for a storefront? :smiley:

[quote=“Faralon, post:5, topic:7405”]
You and Dunk the new owners Jason? You help enough people out in this hobby, when is it time for a storefront? :D[/quote]


Only if your gonna be the money guy

Wish I would have known he was selling the store. I want to open one as well and I do have someone to back me up. We were just looking for a location around here.

Rumor has it the new buyer just made him an offer. I don’t think he was in the market to sell,but I have known to be wrong a time or two

lol we should open a store and have our own coral growout station

well, thats a good idea. but you are going to need a small to medium size glassed in green house with geo thermal heat pump to keep it lit, warm or cool. can you build one onto your houses? Four Seasons Rooms has a sale on this month. actually, i need to tear down a soggy, back shed lean to, and replace mine with some sort of all season skylit porch. only problem with my set up would be getting water and drains to the room. slab on grade rancher. I would have to jack hammer the kitchen floor to lay drain lines and pipes. Yous guys have basements to poke through from. That would be easy. You could grow at home. sell at store. that way if the store proves untenable, you still have the good addition at home to enjoy.

Or, do it all in the rented store. that is risky.