Last summer I purchased two female BS Leopard Wrasses, with the idea that one would turn male. The more dominant of the two just bullied the other into a permanent grave. I thought my mistask was to buy two females and so, I ordered a male. She did the same thing to the male, and like the earlier female he went underground and never re-emerged. Since the male I bought was a little smaller that the female, I thought that I should have ordered a “large” male. So, after a few more month’s, in another attempt to find a mate for the female, I bought another “large” male. Well, by this time the female has grown quite large herself, and I watched another bout of harrying, harassing and haranguing, by the female. But, this time the male finally emerged after about 3 weeks. He was so weak and emaciated, that I was able to put the net in the tank and simply remove him, without any attempt on his part to escape. He has now been in the QT for about 10 days and is eating and doing well. My plan was to keep him there until he was strong enough to re-introduce back into the DT. The problem that has developed is that the female in the DT, in the last week, has now changed to a Male.
So, what would you do with the remaining male?