Leak detector


Could come in handy and not horrible looking!

I wonder if I can get a discount for buying in bulk?

I posted this JUST for YOU Craig. Just make sure you get into the basement before Lynn does when the alarm starts going off.

For 20 bucks thats not to bad of an idea… I would hate to be upstairs and not know the power went out and kicked back on after the over flow loses suction or a hose comes undone.

lowes has same thing but looks nothing like a frog. they are 14.99 at lowes. requires a 9 volt battery.

I have the one from Lowes and it works fine as loud as a smoke alarm.

Are you kidding?? Lynn made Craig wear one of those dog shock collars so if their was another leak it would shock him directly. Of course she was not humane enough to let him wear it on his neck…