leaving for south pacific TRIP NEARLY A TOTAL FAILURE!!!!!!!!

i had only ONE DIVE ATTEMPT, but it was impossible for me to equalize. i got to 6 feet in about 10 minutes of pain, and could not clear my ears. did a few great snorkels, but the corals close by the island are very silted over. and there’s lots of garbage, BUT i saw a cuttlefish, a TINY TINY sailfin tang, 2 moorish idols, some maximas and gigas in the sand and a crocea buried in rock, but all from more than 6 feet away, dmn. snorkel trips cost $65-100 and were all in at least 10 feet of water. i’m back. make fun all you want.

Paul, I’m very small and light. Please, please throw me in the baggage with you! seriously, enjoy and take lots of pics please. Corals for me.

Have fun Paul… don’t lose your glasses this trip YahoO

Hope you can swim Paul. Google maps says those coords are nothing but water.
send back pics of many CLAMS!

Have fun Paul

SOOOOO jealous! Have fun. Hope to see cool pictures.

update in first post

Oh, I hate that. my ears give me trouble too with pressure. diving or planes. but i could free dive 15-20 feet down with the snorkle on a breath to check out coral heads. sorry to here that. but a nice trip anyway.

Did you have clams on the menu?

no eating clams, but many foot long dead empty shells. i couldn’t even go a couple feet under water while snorkeling. what a draaaag! 20 hour flying time, though didn’t cause any ear pain though. glad to be back, but unhappy about the time and $$ lost.