LED Help

I’ve been reading about some LED’s and thinking about doing a DIY project for my 38 Gallon. I found some sources mainly based on this post on RC:
DIY LEDs - The write-up - Page 251 - Reef Central Online Community (scroll down a bit)
I’ve looked at the websites and the links it provides however I’m not comfortable to to this my self. I’m wondering if someone could help me thru the steps and discuss more at the upcoming meeting. My first question is can I do a DIY LED for a non canopy set up?
I think my problem is not sure where to even begin. any help would be greatly appreciated

I also been trying to do some DIY LED project for a while now. I’ve post several thread in DIY project looking for someone that is doing it or trying to get one started, but no one ever reply. There’s also a thread from Shawn on his LED DIY projects, but he hasn’t update the post lately.

yea, i saw your topic going on here as well. how is it coming along?

Haven’t even started yet. Still on the back burner

good so we’re on the same page. how big is the tank you’d set it up for?

same here trying to get one started

Go to rapidled.com and you will find some very useful DIY info on there.

Here is the link…http://www.rapidled.com/servlet/StoreFront

[quote=“snupa, post:5, topic:4571”]
good so we’re on the same page. how big is the tank you’d set it up for?[/quote]

I’m planning on using it on a 20gal long frag tank. I’m still skeptical on the power of LEDs, so, just trying on something small and see the growth.

really? i have pretty good growth and color myself. there are a couple videos on youtube.

video 1 Rickets Reef: DIY LED Light Fixture Pt. 1 - YouTube

video 2 Rickets Reef: DIY LED Light Fixture Pt. 2 - YouTube

vidoe 3 Rickets Reef: DIY LED Light Fixture Pt. 3 - YouTube

video 4 Rickets Reef: DIY LED Light Fixture Pt. 4 - YouTube

and another set of vidoes… this time find them for yourself haha.

video 1 http://www.youtube.com/user/1mkwiet#p/u/5/XCu5ggNT_xE

[quote=“bz350, post:9, topic:4571”]
I learned how to keep SPS before i learned how to drive[/quote]
::rofl:: ::thumbsup:: ::thumbsup:: ::thumbsup::

[quote=“joel.j.tellez, post:6, topic:4571”]
same here trying to get one started[/quote]

joel.j.tellerz I like your HELP WANTED add, I just noticed. ::rofl::

Lol yea I need to do something cause the lighting I got now aint cutting it

I’m planning on building an led system for my tank in the future , unfortunately funds (aka wife) don’t allow for it right now. However for those who do want to build one I will offer my services I have an engineering degree in electronics and have quite a bit of soldering experience, as well as a nice soldering station so if anyone wants build help I am glad to help.

[quote=“bsnow, post:13, topic:4571”]
I’m planning on building an led system for my tank in the future , unfortunately funds (aka wife) don’t allow for it right now. However for those who do want to build one I will offer my services I have an engineering degree in electronics and have quite a bit of soldering experience, as well as a nice soldering station so if anyone wants build help I am glad to help.[/quote]

That’s what I’m talking about, Thanks Ben. I will be seeing you in the near future.

No problem that kind of stuff is usually alot easier then people realize (at least for me) its just getting past the fact that its electric which scares most people. I was also the kid who would take apart my walkie talkies to figure out how they worked so it might just be me

I find the best thing about DIY projects like this is that I can buy parts once a month and if I don’t have the money that month I can wait, may take me 6 months to get everything but goes down a lot eaiser then 600 at once.

So I found a new best friend then huh

Are you just looking for someone to tell you what parts you need and help you put it together? I have actually built Led light with and for my cousin really isn’t that big of a deal. I remember it cost
Alot almost what it cost to buy one. And you don’t Really want to solder Led unless you have to, and you gotta be real careful or it will end up costing for your mistakes there’s a few ways to do it Reflow oven or temp controlled solder iron with a heat sink to draw away excess heat. When you get everything I can help you put it together.

most people I think are using led stars or squares now, as they are readily available.

Yeah I was planning for 3 watt star mounts which require soldering jumper wires between them but I do have temp controlled iron and plenty of soldering experience