Led plans get them now before they disapear

Led plans get them now before they disapear

This link was posted before by Jocephus (I think) but I can’t find it now.

FYI in case you have not been following the thread but it seems that a few commercial posters may get the thread shutdown so copy the info before its gone.

I didn’t copy it.

Its still there for now but the last 3 pages will probably get it removed

I have the first 17 pages copied…Still have to sort the junk out

and for parts, don’t forget this one too. they just keep getting better.

their rebel star triple chips look good. lots of lumens per dollar. and great lenses.


[quote=“Porter, post:3, topic:1528”]
Its still there for now but the last 3 pages will probably get it removed

I have the first 17 pages copied…Still have to sort the junk out[/quote]

Al, not sure if you’ve got them all copied yet or not, but, If you go to the bottom of the first page. Click printable version that will bring up another page, and then click on show all 795 posts. That should bring up everything you want. Let me know if I’m wrong

It does work. I copied all the pages that way 5 days ago just in case they pulled the thread but when you select all and copy it does not copy the pictures. they are hosted on another site so word does not view them. Have to go picture by picture and copy them, Kind of sucks. I then went back and started copying the post removing all the crap and getting the pictures copied in the correct place.

I have the pdf with all pictures included. So if you want to send me a pm with email address i will be happy to send it you or I can use yousendit.com. Its free and I think will help. Also can save some trees.

That would be great email below

haha beat me to it, mine copied with pics included

Done sir. Let me know when you get it.

Got it perfect