'll be selling my current LED’s @ $150.00 ea. I have a total of 3 units.
I’ve had good service from these lights, experiencing great growth, PE, and color.
Each unit consist of 24 X 12,000k white, and 24 X 455nm Royal Blue Bridgelux emitters.
Two dimmers, one each for white and blue.
Optics consist of 32 - 90 degree, and 16 - 60 degree
They are a great light, but I can’t elevate them due to the way I have to mount them in the lid of my canopy. So, I’ve found some fixtures without optics, that are 50% longer, so I’ll get the spread I’m looking for and can be mounted close to the surface.
[quote=“beadlocked450r, post:6, topic:6762”]
Why not raise your hood?[/quote]
I though about doing that, but I don’t have the tools, skills or inclination. I looked into having one build, but it is simply cheaper to replace the fixtures.
[quote=“beadlocked450r, post:10, topic:6762”]
Jim I should start getting a percenatge! That’s the second set of lights I sold to nick for you! :-)###[/quote]