So, I figured I’d add some pics of my tank and whats in it. There isn’t much, I wish I could add things a little faster than what I am, but it’s not happening. haha. I took these pics with my Motorola Droid pretty quickly, so they aren’t they greatest of quality. I am going to get a little better pictures with my SLR at some point. Anyway, here they are:

Pay no attention to the extremely low section of my sump on the right hand side… I missed a couple days of topping off. 

I am not real proud of this orange pavona… over the last couple of weeks it’s really lost its color and is starting to get a black coloring to its outer edge… I am switching salts to IO Reef Crystals, from the Oceanic salt. The guys up at That Fish Place said that was the salt they used in their tanks at home and all of their stuff looks good, so there may be some underlying issues with my water and the Oceanic salt that I am not able to test.
By the looks of those palys, devil’s tooth from john (houndsbayman) maybe?? look just like it anyway, there growing like crazy in my tank, and keep fraggin themselves all over the place!
quote “There isn’t much, I wish I could add things a little faster than what I am, but it’s not happening. haha.”
Looks cool though, and I know exactly what ya mean! still paying for my light!
what size is it?.. sump looks good too, is that a g2 skimmer?
Actually the palys came as a ‘Piece of the Reef’ from Dr. Macs. It was those Paly’s, some hidden Zoas that the pallys are drowning (shading?) out, the GSP that is slowly withering away (i don’t seem to have any luck with GSP, it was doing great for a while and then all of the sudden the fleshy part started to turn purple and die, for no reason whatsoever), a couple of snake corals (or polyps not exactly sure what they are called) that only come out at night and open up real wide, and a orange ricordea that was used as a bumper when one of my snails decided it didn’t like where I had put the rock and actually pushed the rock over into another rock, needless to say the ricordea eventually died…
The tank is a 55, with about a 20gallon home made sump with an ASM G1+ skimmer. I prune the chaeto down to about the size of a baseball every 4 months or so, and it ends up filling the entire center section of my sump, its pretty crazy… Most of the live rock came from Dr. Mac, with 1 or 2 pieces coming from the Fish Bowl. I absolutely love the rock that Dr. Mac gets in, for a long time I think it came from around Vietnam or something like that and the colors are pretty cool.
We moved some things around a little today. Still waiting for this damn brown algae to go away, its going, but slooowwwwly.
ihunt, if they are indead Snake Polyp(Isaurus Sp.) then they do only open at night. They are the really an oddball compaired to other corals in their family. Look at images of Isaurus to be sure. They are pretty different odd-ball coral. I like them. Mac is one of the few that carries them frequently.
Mac certainly gets in some nice live rock.
Yep, that is what they look like… i will try to get a picture of them while they are “open” and then another when they are closed. I only seem to see them open when the lights are off, its sort of odd. They will extend out during the day, but they don’t open up or anything.
As I said they do only open at night. Nature of the beast. It’s just the way they are. Many corals exhibit this behavior probably because many zooplankton are nocturnal. Ever seen a Caulstrea, aka Candy can coral with its polyps open during the day? Feed them at night time and they look just like a green dendro or sun coral. Many “Brain†corals are the same way. Fungia plates in the wild extend more during the night time and close up during the day, but exhibit the opposite behavior in captivity.(I have really wondered why this is the case)
They also come in colors from brown to green and in between.
Oh yea, sorry I misread your post.