It has not been happy in my tank… I have moved it to different spots and diff conditions but for some reason its not doing well… Its getting lighter everyday, and its kindof transparent in some spots right now… I moved it to the QT tank for fear of it dying, but as far as i know its still alive… 4x4inches… So ya if anyone wants to take it and see if it will work for you, let me know… Im afraid its gonna die in my tank so ya, got it at the fragfest, if you wanna pick up at some lfs, or want me to meet you somewhere that fine, or at the armco meeting… i didnt pay anything for it so i would never ask for anything in return, just get it to a better place…
is this the stuff u got from martinsfamily? or something else?
if it is not mushy or falling apart it is fine. it will get a whitish coating all over and shed from stress then be a lighter paech color. it is a very hardy and no maitenence coral. as long as it made the transfer it is ok. does it look like it is melting away?
Well i put it on a rock 3" of sand… and then it drooped down to sand… but its open and looks to have sharp edges… its very tough to touch too…
and i dunno who it was from, sorry… i just know it was the one from the fragfest… anyone want it?
why do you not want coral?
John it was from Glen aka martinfaimly. Any chance you could post a picture? The coral went under a lot of stress that night and is likely still recovering from that. Probably not your fault it went down hill. I have seen some lighten in color significantly when placed under lower lighting. There is a good chance the lights in your tank are not a bright and it is adjusting to lower light levels. Do you see polyps on the edge of it that retract when you touch it? Try to post pics.
Glen it seems like he is worried he is going to lose it and would rather give it away to a good home for free then kill it.
ya i understand jon but it can be keep under pc’s so if it is not dead. i bet it is really stressed if it is not melting or disenacrating away. but would like a picture to see how it looks.
ill get one tomorrow… … and theres like thorns on it… i like it, just i feel like its doing bad, nothing about the coral just ya…
its a soft coral. the thorn looking things on edges are its polyps. normal. this will not poke you at all. sounds like it is doing good to me so i will check out pictures tomorrow. it will also start to lay down flatter.
i have two pieces i got from martin at the first meeting i went to that are huge now…
at one point i had a rock laying on it and didnt notice and a portion of it turned crystal clear…and grew back in less that a month…
trust when they say you’ll have a really hard job killing this coral.
Haha, ok ill keep it then, i know it wont poke me, i was just wondering if those were the polyps… will it be able to hold itself up, if i suspend it from a ledge…
It probably won’t try to hold itself up. It will droop to a point and attempt to grow against the rock behind it. I have one that is mounted completely vertical on a rock and it has covered the front of the rock. As it droops you’ll see it start to split - which looks bad - but it’s just fragging itself.
Damn, okay dokay… i want it to stay up lol
Those buggers grow like crazy and if you have any blennys they LOVE to chillax on them
Its so big in my tank… what about fragging a 2x2 piece off and putting that in my tank… this specimen is huge lol, its as big as the rock its on…
Would anyone be interested in half or a third of it?
Give it another couple weeks to heal up from it’s last fragging adventure before trying to cut in to it again.
Frag it up about a week before a meeting and just bring the frags with you - someone will always take free from a meeting.
Quagmire hanging out on the lettuce
O ya, i know i was planning on fragging it till 4 days before… its pretty much split into 2, theres just a little attachment that i think will also split… so i might just have to cut rock…