Light, Refugium, odds and ends for sale...Can deliver on Friday

Hi guys,

Thought I had a buyer for the rest of this stuff, but they changed their mind. I will be in Christiana this Friday for a doctor’s appt and can meet maybe at the mall around 4ish if somebody wants some of this stuff. Make me an offer!

CPR HOB Refugium(small), refugium light, light stands, powerhead, brand new replacement bulb (in box)

Aqualight Pro HQI/Compact Fluorescent/Lunar Light Fixture, Suspension Kit

Dual Coralife Power Center Timer

Brand new Hydrometer

Refractometer (still in case with instructions)

Protein skimmer

Extras I will throw in:
Unopened bottle of Seachem Reef Buffer (1kg)
3/4 bottle of Dr. Foster and Smith premium Phospure
Almost full bottles of Kent Marine Pro Buffer dKH and Essential Elements
Almost new Salifert test kits for Nitrate and KH/ALK (used 4 or 5 times)
Battery operated aerator (great for power outages)

What size is the light? EDIT Oops, just saw it, won’t work. Thanks anyway.

Money is short, but intersted in:

CPR HOB Refugium(small), refugium light, light stands, powerhead, brand new replacement bulb (in box)
Refractometer (still in case with instructions)
Almost new Salifert test kits for Nitrate and KH/ALK (used 4 or 5 times)
Battery operated aerator (great for power outages)

Please PM me with pricing.


Man… Jon already spoke for the salifert test kits. I guess I am next in line for those :frowning:

well money is really tight over here. i olny found 20 in my walet. can we do the light for 20? im also interest in the sechem if we can do that for a total of 20 for both. i know thats extreamly cheap but i have no $$ to give u. LOL

Last chance for free delivery tomorrow…I will be dropping by Delaware’s Premium Aquatics around 4ish to meet Jon. Any other takers?

so im in then?

[quote=“bz350, post:7, topic:847”]
so im in then?[/quote]

Hey bx350,

Ask your mom to drive you to Delaware Premium Aquatics…everything is on consignment there. Oh yeah,
tell her to bring her wallet! :stuck_out_tongue:

no more interest. dont want to pay to much $$$ for halides. energy hoggs

Why are you worried about the electric bill when you still live with your parents? Now is the time my man, plug away lOl

true but he can complain about buying the coral when we drive 2 hr lol. arnt bulbs like 50 to 100$. t5s seem like the way to go.

they are expensive, but you dont have as many to replace. ive owned T5 and MH and i really dont believe the hype about T5. sure they are cheaper per bulb, but with MH you will only need 2 per tank(4’), with T5 you will need at least 4-6 so the replacement cost will be compareable. Also, you will only be able to keep high light demanding corals under “quality” T5 setups with a lot of bulbs. At 54W per bulb the energy savings isnt exactly mind blowing. The one thing that T5 does have over MH is color flexibiiity and they run cooler. You can really make your corals pop with the right color combinations. I guess it comes down to preference. Educate yourself before you jump on the T5 bandwagon!

Another thing that is rarely mentioned about T5 retros is how quickly the reflectors get dirty. I would wager that in most retro T5 setups people are getting less than 50% reflectivity becuase of this. If your going T5 its probably worth investing in a nice fixture but this will set you back as much if not more than a decent MH fixture or pendants. IMO there is nothing better than the color and shimmer that you get from a pheonix 14k MH bulb.

I can name something much better then T5s or MH and it adds $0 a month to you’re electric bill! It does run a little hot though. Especially if you live in low latitudes. :wink:

yeah, sunlight’s great if you love brown corals!

And if you can’t afford the blue filter thats what you’ll get. :wink: If you build a green house or sunlight in you’re house and run short on cash when it comes to a peice of plastic thinner then a sheet of paper you planned things out poorly. Took a lot of people too long to figure out this simple change.

so are some of these products still in the store for sale???

if so please let me know

[quote=“longballz84, post:16, topic:847”]
so are some of these products still in the store for sale???

if so please let me know[/quote]

Yes, the light and powercenter/timer, and the whole refugium setup are on consignment at the store, as well
as my skimmer.