Just wanted to see if anyone has a timer that is not being used, or basically retired due to your fancy pants controller
(jealousy talking…sorry) ::
anyway i need to time 4 lights on my small tank.
t5 fixture
two led plugs
and moonlights.
does anyone have anything that will do all 4? and that settings aren’t affected when the power goes out for a minute or two, or flickers? (common in my neighborhood during storms) and we’re always resetting the timer on the big tanks aquatic life fixture… PIA, and a poor design IMHO.
just sayin… I have a $5 alarm clock that you can put a 9v battery in to keep the time memory :TWOCENTS
If you have something that’ll work lmk a price.
…or i’ll prob end up grabbing a couple old style wheel timers at the depot, they never lose memory in a power outage, just pick up where they left off and most likely the least expensive and reliable too.
[quote=“beadlocked450r, post:2, topic:6015”]
I’m with you Jon,I have like 12 timers controlling all my lights on dt and over sumps[/quote]
good to hear i’m not the only “Clark W. Griswold” here when it comes to electricity :-)###
[quote=“Cdangel0, post:4, topic:6015”]
And you chose to grab the Clark Griswold from the Old Navy commercial and not the actual movie??? ::bs::[/quote]
Sorry Mr. Critical … oooops
But thanks, I was wondering why he looked older in that pic…
I just saw that commercial yesterday. lOl
this kind of timer thing is what’s holding me back right now too… The little mrs has the notion that this should all be clean, neat and organized. Heck the dt is only in the family room for all to see.
I’m interested to see what u come up with. Maybe we’ll all get controllers from santa!!!