Lights Went out. Need some Help

We have a 36w PC light that just stopped working. It is for an aqua pod DX. I checked the fuse with a multi meter and it is fine. Anyone out there know of any other checks that I can perform to maybe check the ballast? Or any other part of the light set up? Any help would be great

can you try another bulb in it?. maybe the filament burned out in it. or is the pin base loose?. broken connection. otherwise if all the connections are good. it has to be the ballast. what ballast is inside? how many bulbs in the thing? 1 or 2?

[quote=“kaptken, post:2, topic:1684”]
can you try another bulb in it?. maybe the filament burned out in it. or is the pin base loose?. broken connection. otherwise if all the connections are good. it has to be the ballast. what ballast is inside? how many bulbs in the thing? 1 or 2? [/quote]

Ken, The light has 2-36 w bulbs everything seems ok with them; they are both maybe 5 months old. The ballast is an external one that has a sticker on the outside that says 110v/60hz 36 w LED. I’m thinking it might be the ballast. If I disconnect the plugs on the ballast and reconnect them I can get the Lights to barely flicker. But that’s it. I’ve never had a problem with this light before.


Fuse? Is there a fuse they may have blown?

well, it might also be a GREEN connection at the end cap, or a loose twisty connection in the ballast box. check those things too along the wires. and check the specs on the ballast when you open it up. they can be replaced. Im doing one now. an old FULHAM workhorse 5 just blew last night in my home made 3 x 39W T5 light box. so i had a spare in the parts pile. no biggie. just a bunch of wires.

so get the dimensions of the ballast. and we shall see if something similar can be found on the net. if its a single ballast, about 1 x 2 x 9" a workhorse 5 will fit and run both . in fact thats what im replacing in my light tonight. it can run up to 3 x 39w T5s or 36w PCs. they are the same to the ballast. you can buy them on the net.

[quote=“Gotasplinter, post:1, topic:1684”]
I checked the fuse with a multi meter and it is fine. [/quote]

[quote=“Porter, post:4, topic:1684”]
Fuse? Is there a fuse they may have blown?[/quote]

Really Al? lol Are you just trying to be smart? lol

Lee I actually have a really old workhorse I was thinking of selling soon. Don’t really want too much for it as I have no use for it. Not sure if it is a “5” or not. Will check tomorrow. Shoot me an e-mail if you need a quick response.

Well, my ballast replacement is done, and the old T5 strip light is back in service. Mine did the same thing tonight. i turned it on to check one more time and got a little flash from the lamps and phhhwwwllppp nothing. electronic ballasts have their own internal fuse, and when it blows, its done. or a transistor in its circuit board rotted out from humidity or heat. It has been running 4 or 5 years, so it was time to blow. but i had a used one i used a while back in an diy PC lamp strip to install. the fulham ballasts are pretty flexible. they run a lot of different lamps. depending how you wire them.

You can check wiring at their site. they have diagrams for any set up.

[quote=“Gordonious, post:6, topic:1684”]

[quote=“Gotasplinter, post:1, topic:1684”]
I checked the fuse with a multi meter and it is fine. [/quote]

[quote=“Porter, post:4, topic:1684”]
Fuse? Is there a fuse they may have blown?[/quote]

Really Al? lol Are you just trying to be smart? lol[/quote]

Um missed that…That’s what happens when you have one eye on little man and the other reading and responding to threads.

Lee -

I have spare a ballast for a JBJ Nano. Not sure if it’s this same, but it might be. If you can get me pics/part #, I can let you know if it’ll work.

  • ted

Hey guys, thanks for the replies. IV been sick last couple of days, and haven’t been on hear or done anything with the light. I did manage to rig the light from my 12 gallon and us it on the 24 temporarily, until I get this thing figured out. I will take it apart and take pics in next day or to, I just feel like crap Thanks again

[move][size=50pt]AHH Swine Flu[/move]

Al, don’t joke about that pig flu! :~S

Swine Flu?


It’s like when Pigs Fly!!

And, The Swine Flew!


My arms are getting tired~

Here are a couple of Pics; I think you should be able to read the specs. I tried to jiggle wires and all that but still no luck. I’ll look online see if I can find a replacement, incase no one has a used one . But another question is. I’m guessing the pic with pony written on it is the ballast and the piece to the left is a transformer? What one would more likely have gone bad or is it a flip a coin kind of thing?

P.S. Al, you have way too much time on your hands. Someone on here has to have a project for Al to do.

Check out this link - that ballast is <$19 Pony Ballast
<$17 Another pony ballast

The other item (your left my right :P) is a step down transformer from 110volts to 9volts DC…Does this fixture have a fan or moon lights?? It would most likely not be your problem.

It could also be the switch to the unit


I have the NPY-120-226-CFL … sorry. Al’s first link (atlantalightbulbs) is where we got it. I think they have a $25 min order.

  • ted

[quote=“Porter, post:15, topic:1684”]
The other item (your left my right :P) is a step down transformer from 110volts to 9volts DC…Does this fixture have a fan or moon lights?? It would most likely not be your problem.

It could also be the switch to the unit[/quote] Thanks Al for the links
Yes it has 2 fans and moon lights. I’m not positive but I don’t think it is the switch, reason I say that is the fan still works and turns off and on with the switch. (Correct me if I’m wrong) Before I order any parts ;D

[quote=“ronert, post:16, topic:1684”]

I have the NPY-120-226-CFL … sorry. Al’s first link (atlantalightbulbs) is where we got it. I think they have a $25 min order.

  • ted[/quote]Thanks Ted for looking

[quote=“Porter, post:15, topic:1684”]
Check out this link - that ballast is <$19 Pony Ballast
<$17 Another pony ballast

The other item (your left my right :P)[/quote]I just caught that hehe I’m a truck driver we don’t need to be able to tell our left from our right

you are in luck. it is a FULHAM ballast. and Al found one of my favorite suppliers. the pony cube as opposed to a long thin shaped model. you should have all the info you need to order a replacement.