Limewater dosing

who’s doing it? How? Kalk stirrer? In the top off water? separate dosing pump?

I was dosing kalk for the past several months in my top off water. I have a tunze top off. I’d prefer not to burn out the pump, but it hasnt really been a problem. I’ve since stopped adding it to the top off until i can find a better solution. (also bought a back up incase I resume this method)

So is there a better way to do things? i dont know much about kalk stirrers. Another option is a dosing pump that can move a similar amount of water as my top off. What have you had good experiences with?

I just add it to my ATO like you were doing and also use the tunze. I thought about adding a dosing pump just for it as well but it’s hard on the lines so I just continued dosing through the ATO

I’m guessing your ato pump is getting clogged fro. The kalk?. How long have you done this. My friend adds kalk and stirs it some but never had an issue.

Everyone else I feel uses a doser because kalk isn’t enough. If you go doser which you can you will probably want to look into a 2 part as your not going to dose your kalk water. Interested to hear if others have seen this issue.

I think brs and some others have dosing pump for like 60 bucks. And you can just use a container of any sort for your 2 part or whatever. Obviously the cost might go up with dosing.

I am not familiar with kalkwasser but I already know I prefer 2 part. Only issue during covid times is the stuff thats top notch is back ordered everywhere. 8 gallon kit of esv is the best savings since it comes with trace and minerals as well. Other brands I found were basic just 2 part no added benefit and cost the same if not more. I have run into a nightmare waiting for someone to have esv in stock and ran out of temporary stuff twice…
I do like seachem reef fusion but it does get really expensive and it’s only a little more concentrated then esv. So instead of 97ml/day it might be around 70ml/day to maintain alk. If you go 2 part since all can wipe a tank out if over dosed etc I would use a quality doser for that. I have had a apex dos running for years now and never even had to change a head yet.

I dose both Kalk and Ca & Mg all at the same time to keep up with the high levels of Ca and Mg. The Kalk was dose in 2 Little Fishie 150 reactor added as the water top off. The Ca and Mg was dose by ATO. I was using calcium cloride and magflake, but got tired of mixing the solution so I went with Seachem Fusion 2 part, that was the best for me no mixing involved. Like everything else in this hobby, must have patience. Kept an eye on it till it was dialed in. After that it was good to go.