List of awesome fish for hobbyist and non-hobbyist.

I wanted to get some helping thinking of some sweet stunning fish that might be able to go in a ~90g system. Coral and invert safe fish only though.

I wanted to place these in two categories as there is an obvious difference. A yellow tang is some much brighter than a black tang, but most hobbyist have seen a million yellows and not so many black tangs. A mandarin is an amazing sight for someone who has never seen one before, but again your average hobbyist who has been in the hobby for several years isn’t as struck by them when they pass them in the LFS. My thoughts:

Non-hobbyist list:
Shrimp goby pair

Seasoned Hobbyist:
Black tang
Magnificent Foxface
Blue Star Leopard Wrasse(100% Invert safe?)
Blotched Anthias(questionable in well lit 90?)

Reason I’m asking is Steph and I really want to get some more fish in our display tank. The last tank mate our purple tang had either committed suicide or was chased right out of the tank. I tried introducing a couple of large clown fish and they were tormented right away. I plan on moving the tang to a 40 breeder for about a week, re-aquascaping the entire tank, introducing at least 4 new fish(including one of equal or large size then the tang) and letting them settle in for a week and then reintroducing the tang. (also leaving off the list small perching gobies like clown gobies or neon gobies as there is a risk they’ll be consumed by some of my other animals)

Also note that our display tank is only a 75, but I have a 100g stock tank I can move animals over to which have outgrown the 75. I also plan on setting up a 200g display in the near future. lOl I wish!

This is just a dream list as we don’t have the funds right now. Hobbyist needs to dream about the next big thing.

Cuttlefish…dot it!!

Awesome animal, but I don’t know of any species which does not eat inverts, lol.

Hawaiian Flame Wrasse

Or Holanthias Fuscipinnis Really expensive and hard to find…I think Ron Tubbs had a few a couple weeks ago. You might need a part time job for one of these…

I love wrasses and plan on at least one for sure, but I do not know them that well at all. I’m actually a lot more familiar with the non-reef safe wrasses such as the bird wrasse(Male&Female), orange shoulder, and so on then the reef safe wrasses. Both my girlfriend and I really like them though.

I know nothing of which are questionable with inverts and how they can be mixed. How about pairs? I would really like to have mated pairs for as many things as possible, but isn’t a requirement.

Ellen(aka Entoreefer) has a beautiful display tank full of wrasses and SPS coral. Perhaps she’ll list the species she keeps and give some pointers. She is away on business for a couple of weeks though.

why not a pinnatus batfish,
moorish idol
would they be able to feed?

Well I think a gem tang would quite awesome and if u can’t find one of them just get a baby orca whale. Or some sea monkeys

Come on! I expected more feedback then this.

Moorish idol can be complicated. Last time I read up on them most knowledgeable fish people said they were very difficult to keep. The only person who had said they weren’t bad at all… was trying to sell some. Go figure.

Bat fish would require a really specialized tank, I don’t think a crowded 75 with stiff competition for food and not a lot of swimming room would work for even a medium sized one.

My vote:

Ok I’m now looking for animals that eat both corals and inverts. You all like to play the opposite game.

I always wanted one of these, but they are not reef safe.


they eat inverts, but not sure about nipping SPS?

Or a nice Parrot Fish, im pretty sure they chew up everything.

I also always thought a little school of these would be cool.

That’s what I’m talking about. Nice one Joe! A little school of them would be a pretty sweet addition. Not too cheap, but I’m looking to dream.

Beauties. If money is no object, then I’m also a fan of the yellow assessor. Though I’m not sure on whether it eats inverts.

Looks like I will be ordering from the diver in the next few days…I will get a current list from him today. If anyone is interested in anything we can split the shipping. Let me know.

He had those hawaiian flame wrasses…

If interested we have a tank raised yellow assessor, for $79.99 and it has been well behaved with the inverts.

I like gobies, but this guy doesn’t seem to be to special to me. Check out the price though!

White Cap Goby (Lotilia graciliosa)

I’ve seen rare and expensive animals in the past that I might actually spend money on if I had it and I have spend more than $100 for a fish before, but this isn’t one I would be likely to buy if I had a million dollars.