Little Mantis shrimp

 Got pics of my mantis shrimp tonight in his happy new rock home.

Beautiful and terrifying!

Fastest attack any animal has on the planet vs. your glass.

Yeah it’s pretty cool.

It’s in a acrylic tank and is finally started eating krill

I still haven’t seen a video of it smashing a snail

I can’t get it to do that yet, he seems to want to drag everything in the hole. Maybe when it gets a little bigger and not such a fraidy shrimp.

vs clam (look away moliken and bill!)

vs snail

vs a crab

vs your glass (couldn’t have been full power or a glancing blow)

Hope you don’t have to stick your hand in that tank too much. I had a hitch hiker in my tank once, and every time I stick my hand in there it would pop out and pop at my hand or fingers, talking about pain. Needless to say I had to tare down the tank and put the rocks back in the ocean and start my tank all over again.

they’re not all mean. check out this guy!!

[quote=“reefman66, post:7, topic:3531”]
Hope you don’t have to stick your hand in that tank too much. I had a hitch hiker in my tank once, and every time I stick my hand in there it would pop out and pop at my hand or fingers, talking about pain. Needless to say I had to tare down the tank and put the rocks back in the ocean and start my tank all over again.[/quote]

The little shrimp is in a tank all by itself so I really don't need to mess inside of it too much, and I'm sure not gonna get near it  ;D. I like all my fingers the  way they are. This is just a little guy anyway not more then 2 and 1/2 inches.

vs Roomate’s hand

It’s kinda like having a junk yard dog in the tank?

he’s beautiful bill! i may have some shrimp for you Saint:)

Nice mantis bill! I’ve always wanted one, this just makes me want one more! Gotta find a small acrylic tank now!

I like the dogs reaction in this video. Peacock Mantis Shrimp GREAT VIEW!