Someone said they want the whole package, if it falls through, I’ll let errbody know.
Someone said they want the whole package, if it falls through, I’ll let errbody know.
[quote=“Jocephus, post:21, topic:918”]
Someone said they want the whole package, if it falls through, I’ll let errbody know.[/quote]
AND, it fell through… I will sell the three koralias and the HOB overflow for $100. The live rock for $2 lb for all. Or tank, sump, pump, overflows, koralias, and live rock for $300
I am still interest in the Rock- I know my wife will not notice that i spent more money on my tank when i sneak the rock in …but i dont think i will get away with sneaking in a new tank
I will attempt a picture…
Old one, most of the rock is gone, but you get the idea…
[quote=“Rich_17, post:25, topic:918”]
I tried to send a personal msg- dont know if it worked
I will buy the rock- PBJ!
Just replied, if you can take it all, it’s yours. Might be more might be less than 40 lbs, do you want me to weigh it?
Dont worry about wt it- i will take what u have
Ahh! Powerheads were so close! Well if it falls through, I will take all three K4’s. Good to see you move everything out though, it can be a PITA to do so.
LD, sent you a PM on the K4.
Ted has spoken for the K3 and K4
[quote=“DamnPepShrimp, post:30, topic:918”]
Ahh! Powerheads were so close! Well if it falls through, I will take all three K4’s. Good to see you move everything out though, it can be a PITA to do so.
LD, sent you a PM on the K4.[/quote]
Hey DamPep- Still have the powerheads, only the rock is pending. Are you still interested in the overflow? It’s the large one here…
The tank I was going to buy (standard 125g) fell through, so I have no need for an overflow. I am going to be building a plywood tank this spring, so I need lots of flow though. I will take all 3 K4’s, how much? Are you coming up this saturday for the sale at DPA? I will be there right around opening time because I work later in the day. Let me know, thanks Joe.
[quote=“DamnPepShrimp, post:33, topic:918”]
The tank I was going to buy (standard 125g) fell through, so I have no need for an overflow. I am going to be building a plywood tank this spring, so I need lots of flow though. I will take all 3 K4’s, how much? Are you coming up this saturday for the sale at DPA? I will be there right around opening time because I work later in the day. Let me know, thanks Joe.[/quote]
I happen to know where you can get a standard 125g for a GREAT price, and it comes with the overflow and K4’s PM me an offer, I need to get it out of the room.
Is that so? lOl You’ve got PM Joe.
Joe, where you been? Sent you a few PMs, hope everything is ok? Not like you to not be on the forums!
Jeff, LMK if your still interested. IF not, BUmP…
1600gph overflow- New $85 Here-- $50
2- Koralia #4’s- New $47.99 Here-- $20 ea
Big Ol Return pump New $Who the hell knows Here-- Free with overflow
125g tank-- $100
55g sump-- $25
Or take it all for $199.99 :SURRENDER
koralias sold yet if not i wil take them. pm ing you as well.
I will take:
1600gph overflow- New $85 Here-- $50
2- Koralia #4’s- New $47.99 Here-- $20 ea
Big Ol Return pump New $Who the hell knows Here-- Free with overflow
Let me know when I can p/u
Looks like I am taking the whole system, desperately need a bigger FO tank, my guys are just too aggressive! Let me know when I can pick up Joe, sooner the better, tomorrow maybe? PBJ!