Live rock FS

I have about 8-9 lbs of Tonga branch in my sump that is in the way of vacuuming detritus out every week and I just can’t stand it any more.

I paid about $9 a lb for it when I first started my nano from ECA.

They are 2 really nice pieces that look like open hands kind of.

Some pics of them from my nano

Just the 2 branch looking pieces.

I’d like $5 a lb (about $40)

make an offer!

Trade for Frags ?



still available

No copper or meds ever in the tank? Have an ~ idea of the length in inches? Interested in trade for frags? Perhaps a BTA?

NEVER copper or meds.

I’ve been offered frags or equip, unfortunately I have all the equipment I need and I’m not adding any coral to the tank at this time.

~how long are these rocks? Hard to judge how big they would be.

Well I haven’t taken the tape rule out on them but that nano tank you see them in is 24 W x 24 T x … 15 D? bow fronts change depth but you get the idea probably 11"-12" … I’d say 11" average but like I said I haven’t measured.

Cleaned the sump today and took them out for a photo op.

really like to get these things out of my way so i can vacuum the sump easier…