Or first ever officer ban for posting spam.

Spam? Doesn’t everybody want a gator?

I owned one years ago - nasty cuss. He lost an eye in a fight with something at one point and never quite got over it, was pissed off until the day he died.

A friend of mine in college had one in ~150g tank. His was well socialized though. He held it a lot and used to take if for walks around the apartment on a makeshift leash hahaha. They are still pretty irresponsible to own bc they get up to 5’ and nobody’s tank is big enough for that monster.

A friend of mine and I owned it and had built an enclosure for it - somewhere around 5’ x 3’ out of fiberglass coated plywood, 1 side was elevated a few inches so we could add water to the other and make a small “pond” for it so it could move back and forth between dry “land” and wet.

They are irresponsible to own, I’ve never met one that was socialized well, and would not want to be around when one found out a previously socialized cayman decided it wanted a human flavored snack.

They are an entirely different level of vicious when they kill.

I was only joking about these but they could be a good way to dispose of the bodies…