Looking for a 75g or 90g tank

I am looking for a reef ready (or drillable) 75g or 90g tank. Preferably no scratches, or at a minimum nothing on the front glass.

I am going to be breaking down my 55g that I have this summer, to replace the flooring in our dining room and want to take the chance to upgrade to something a little larger. PM me with information.


Just wanted to bump this… I am now full force in planning my next SW tank. Just wanted to see if anyone out there has, or still has, a 75 or 90 gallon tank they want to part ways with for a nominal fee :). PM please.

I have a 65 Gallon with stand if you decide to go down to a 3 foot tank.

There is a 90 gallon reef ready posted on craigslist and its in elkton for 120.00 its under general sale in delaware

i have a drillable 75 i want to sell

I have a 180 bow front for sale. :GEEK:

Haha, wouldn’t that be nice to have a 180… but I am not sure I have the room or the money to maintain a tank of that size… :slight_smile:

75 gal RR with 30" tall oceanic blk stand $125

[quote=“The Reef Hut, post:8, topic:5131”]
75 gal RR with 30" tall oceanic blk stand $125[/quote]

I am assuming this is up at the store in Reading?

Could I get some pictures of the stand by chance? I tried to do some searching on the internet but not sure I’ll get a good idea of what it looks like… I’d hate to drive all the way to Reading to find out I don’t like the stand…

I’ve just picked up a 75 (non-reef ready but drillable) and a stand. The stand isn’t currently much to look at but some fresh varnish or paint and it would be good to go.