I am looking for a sailfin tang. The one at the lfs died so I never got to get one. I need my hair algae cleaned up!
Have you looked into mimic tangs or bristletooth tangs? They do as good of a job if not better and I know of a LFS that will be getting some in today, keep your eyes open on the sponsors, and send a PM if interested.
PS. not reportable.
What is your Mg level?
how big is your tank? getting a fish to deal with algae might not be your best bet… what are your params? when was the last waterchange?
My params are all good. I just had a phosphate problem that I just got under control I believe was caused by my seahare going beserk and killing my anemone with his poison coupled with upgrading my lights.So now I am dealing with the lovely algae bloom that brought on. I have a 55 gal and have done tons of research on the sailfin tang and thought that would be my best bet. But is there a better one? Which lfs is getting the tangs today?
Keep in mind that while you’re experiencing an algae bloom your phosphates are going to read 0 (nitrates are probably pretty low too). This is a result of the algae using the phosphates and nitrates for food so they’re not available in the water column to be tested.
I’d reccomend a series of water changes, lights out for a couple of days, some phophate removal media, and cut back on feeding.
I generally advise against ever getting an animal to resolve a problem - as once the problem goes away you still have an animal. Sailfin tangs get much too ,arge to comfortably house in a 55g, so unless you can find a very small one be prepared to find it a larger home in short order.
So you have a sea hare and still have a hair algae issue? If I was ever going to reccomend an animal to clean up hair algae it would be a sea hare.
[quote=“JCoyne, post:5, topic:3845”]
Which lfs is getting the tangs today?[/quote]
DPA (Delaware’s Premium Aquatics) usually gets their salt water fish shipments in on Tuesdays. Not sure when The Fish Bowl gets theirs.
I am experiencing a hair algae bloom in my tank and I have a large sailfin tang along with other tangs. The only serious way to get rid of the stuff, so I have read, is to remove all the excess nitrates and phosphates in your water. I now am running a phosphate reactor and have done 4 large water changes every 2 weeks for the past couple of months.
What I am seeing now is the hair algae is being overtaken by what looks like cyno bacteria. Does anyone know if this is the start of the demise of the hair algae, I hope.
john, everything i’ve read says that after ha comes cyano
Slow acclimated mollies are by far the best hair algae removal fish. Un/dis/re-acclimate them when you are finished and return to the LFS. $3 a piece.
this is a fact?? who ever heard of this? am i the only one who’s ignorant about them as ha removers? will they keep it under control or will they plow through heavy infestations?
That is great news Paul, I have another water change due on Thursday. Hey Joe, I never heard about mollies either. Have you tried them? And did they work for you?
I’ve used them several times, I will say that the sailfin mollies seem to acclimate more readily than the standards, and I’ve had bad luck with the balloon mollies. Paul- they will plow through the stuff, it’s crazy.
It should be said that the mollies will then poop all of the hair algae out, so heavy skimming is needed. But if you are looking to get rid of the HA, the mollies will get it into the water column where the skimmer can do its thing.
I’ll back Joe up on the mollies. They are good algae eaters and with slow acclimation readily live in salt water.
I've never used them but have seen then and was told they are super with eating hair algae
So who’s gonna try out the mollies??? and give a full report? I’m tempted, is there any negatives besides the poo-factor? and if they’re not easy to catch can they just be left in?
If you get a pair, they may breed. That could be problematic.
Don’t you have a bunch of tangs in the tank? they do a good job once the bulk of it is removed. I like having fish that carry their own weight.
I have been going thru this problem for a little over a month. weekly 40%water changes,established refugium, phosphate pad in filter,reduced time with lights on. I would like the tang too so that it can maintain the hair algae.