Looking for DIYers!

Im looking for some volunteers to help out with content for meetings and possibly for the site. Right now what i need is for people to be able to demonstrate a DIY “technique” at a meeting. It can be beginner or advanced and related to just about any facet of the hobby you can think of (plumbing, electrical, chemical, etc). Ideally you would have the tools and experience to demonstrate a single technique that could be used for mutiple projects. An example of what i mean would be glass drilling. Its not a project in and of itself but rather a skill that could be shared with the club that could be used on any number of DIY projects. If you have an idea and are interested in giving a demo please pm me instead of posting.

If you have an idea for a project that you could share or a project you would like to see please post and let me know. If you have an idea for a technique that you would be interested in learning please share that as well. Let me know if you have any questions!

well. i have a simple pattern for making a hanging light strip hood. simple. light weight and cheap. and I think looks pretty nice. can be used for PC, VHO, T5 and or HQI. complete with a simple hanging system made from fishing tackle for shark lures. I’m using a couple right now.

and then there is always my favorite : a deep plenum sand bed for denitrating.

Uhhhh?? Wutchuhimpk?