Just looking for easy cheap corals to fill a RSM tank, something low maintenance. I’m in Newark, DE, prefer to buy in bulk. Thanks.
i hase gsp some other polyps kenyas frogspawn chalices a few others and lots of sps.
I’d be interested in almost everything but SPS, probably not chalices either. I love movement from softies and LPS, not to mention how easy they are to keep. Let me know how much and when/where I could meet you. I’m in no rush, just getting word out there to find some cheap easy corals.
I have 2 or 3 large Devils hand finger leathers. A kenya frag, zoa and paly frags.
I have lots of teal candy canes, frogspawn, and hammer. $10/head of euphillya, candy canes available from 1 polyp to softball size colonies. I’m located in New Castle right next to William Penn. If you are interested I can bring them to the meeting on Monday.
I’d be interested in the devils hand and zoas/palys.
Candy canes, frogspawn and hammers sound good too. When does the meeting start on Monday? I’m booked from 6:30-10:30 that evening.
It would be nice to be able to meet everyone at the same time at the meeting or a local fish store?
I will not be attending the meeting. If you would like to check them out I am located in newport.
[quote=“DamnPepShrimp, post:1, topic:6448”]
Just looking for easy cheap corals to fill a RSM tank, something low maintenance. I’m in Newark, DE, prefer to buy in bulk. Thanks.[/quote]
I just posted a new thread with quite a few zoas, some palys, a brain and button coral; all low maintenance and amazing looking.