Anyone in Sussex County have some Peppermint Shrimp for sale?
I’m not sure how far north Sussex county you are, but LFS in Dover always have them.
Welcome to the board Dustin. Last I had heard was there was still no LFS in Sussex county aside from maybe one shady smelly outfit ran out of a house. Depending on where you are you may want to check out two of our sponsors Pacific East Aquaculture and The Fish Bowl, both just outside county lines. Which one will be closer will depend on where you are and you may want to call each one to see if they have them in stock. I also heard there was a one more store in MD south of the state line down route one, but I’m not sure which down it is in or the name of it.
Good luck. If you have a second start another thread an introduce yourself.
Hey the only place I know of in sussex that carries saltwater is a place in Millville called the Pet Stop. It’s on RT 26 on your way to Bethany. They just added their SW section about 2 years ago and I havent been in there in awhile, but it didnt seem too bad last time I was there, kinda a small selection though. I would give them a call before making the drive. Other than that apparently there is a place near Salisbury, MD that I never knew about but someone else should be able to give you more info on that. Oh and there is always Seaford Pet Emporium but I never really had much luck with that place. Lots of dead livestock, not only in the fish deparment but small animal as well :-? Good luck with your search.
I went ahead and picked up a couple from The Fish Bowl
I know it’s easy for me to say since I live up here now, but The Fish Bowl is definatly worth the drive. The few places down your way really can’t compare as far as selection and quality… trust me I grew up down there and it was quite frustrating trying to find a good LFS.