looking for some zoas and palys!! LOTS to trade! or will buy

ive been looking for a few things for quite awhile now…hopefully someone here will have some! :slight_smile:

–what im looking for:
sunny d’s
blue hornets
red hornets
blue agave
my clementine
space monsters
la lakers
bam bams
and whatever else you might have that i dont have :slight_smile:

–what i have to trade:
tubbs blue
king midas
blueberry violets
wow paly
captain america paly
sun catchers
green bay packers
yellow dragon eyes
radioactive dragon eyes
armor of god
pink palys
5-6 others without names

–possible frags (if i get to it)
pink elephants
pink aroura
incredible hulk cyphastrea
babys breath cyphastrea
atlantis meteor shower cyphastrea
alien eye chalice 50+ eyes
neon green and yellow scroll
tyree sunset monti
idaho grape monti
orange monti
green poci

nobody has a zoas?? ??? ???

i have some but not the ones listed I just posted a coral for sale thread http://delreefclub.org/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=28&topic=7657.0 heres the link

I have a few but nothing listed. I can send some pics if you want pm me your email or phone #.

I have a darth maul colony i can frag if you are interested.