Looking for Sump Tank

I’m looking for a 20 - 25 gallon tank for my sump. I have a 15 gal right now, and it’s not quite enough.

Desired dimensions are 24"L x 12"W, no real height restrictions (those are my stand limitations).

I would rather buy an extra tank from a member than purchase a new one. Hope someone has one (crosses fingers) Thank you!

PM’d you.

I still got a couple if you still need it. $15 each

If you have a 20gal High, with 24"L x 12"W, let me know. The only 20gal tanks that I can find are the long ones with a length of 30". That won’t fit under my stand, and if you have one that is the 20H it would be perfect. Let me know if you have one. Thanks!