Looking to buy LPS or SPS coral

Hi everyone,

I was about to make a coral purchase online but I wanted to gauge what’s available locally. I’d rather help a local reefer fund some new equipment or supplies if possible. I’m really trying to start a collection of acans, blasto, and like LPS and any SPS.

I have some alien eye chalice frags amd some tricolor aceo frags.

I have some extra soft coral frags like star polyps and zoos even though that’s not what your looking for :frowning: I would like to sell some to some one so I can upgrade to a 75

Thanks for the offer Qfinz but I’m not really into soft coral at the moment. BigCase I sent you a pm.

I have the following:

Red Monti Cap
Green Stag Acro
Tri Color Acro
Red Planet Acro
ORA Green Tipped Orange Birdsnest
Purple Polyp Birdsnest
Ponape Birdsnest
Alien Eye Chalice
Blue Flowers Monti Cap

Have a buddy that has:

Pink Birdsnest
Red Candy Canes
Purple Digi

Let me know if your may want anything listed above.

Save some for the swap Matt ::rofl:: ::rofl:: ::rofl::

Thanks A. I will have a bunch for the swap, i’m really looking forward to it.

I have some Euphyllia (most likely frogspawn do to the polyp shape)

$10 a head - multiple heads available.


I have a decent chunk of favia, galaxia, or pavona that I can sell or trade. I’m looking for 2 chineese led fixtures. Prefer dimmable, full spectrum would be nice.