Lots of stuff for sale

So I recently acquired a bunch of stuff from an old (as in “former” not “Paul” ;D ) member who’s asked me to sell for him. Some items include:

30g Aquapod w/ stand
75g tank (I believe it is all tempered glass)
Rough looking stand for above mentioned 75g tank
T5 end caps and ballasts
ASM G3 Skimmer w/ gate valve mod
Misc. Pumps

I’m thinking of just having a come with cash and get it sale on Sunday as my schedule doesn’t allow for much else along the lines of planning and scheduling. I’m home until about 3.

I’ve been informed everything is in working condition, but have not done anything with it other than bring it home and move it form the truck to the garage.

PM for address.

Craig, what size are the misc pumps?

Any prices on these items yet or is it best offer?

Everything is best offer without being ignorant ;D

A I will have to check on the pumps. I know there is one heavy duty external Little Giant pump.

Craig heading up that way what’s ur address?

PM sent with address

hey boss! sent ya a PM a couple of days ago… is there a list of people interested in the 75? thanks

Craig, I’m interested in that heavy duty external Little Giant pump. Can’t make it to your house today though.

Anything left for sale?

Can you pm you address to me so i can come by to check stuff out?

[quote=“reefman66, post:9, topic:5526”]
Anything left for sale?[/quote]

I’m holding your pump.

When can I come up to get it or can I wait till the BBQ to get it? can you PM me the estimated asking price?

Sorry for my absence as of late - good news is baseball season is over which frees up my saturday’s a bit - better news is I got a real schedule at work which frees up my evenings.

Everything but the 75 is still available.

Craig pics price and condition of the aqua pod

Interested in the pumps. Sizes?

Info on the heaters?

I’ll be pulling everything out over the next few days and hope to have a more detailed listing of available items.

If you still have powerheads, I’m in the market for one.