i am looking for luner lights for my tank. i will be mounting them in my light fixture. so i am not picky as what they look like as long as they can mount somehow. even an old pc fixture luner setup will work.
led’s work well. what fixture are you mounting in/on?
in between my 2 metal halides a area about 7 x 7 inches and possibly other end of lights. metal housing to screw to
I have an old fixture that took a poo. If you can use it for lunar’s it’s all yours.
thanks joe i will take it off your hands. what ya want for it i have a frag of red monti cap or a 1 nice purple shroom. i will call you sunday evening and see if ya home.
I would also say to go with leds. These look like they would be fairly simple:
Or I’m sure someone could make the same thing much easier if they understood electronics.
The ones above is what i put on my turtle habitat. I wasnt happy with them. The color and effect were very unnatural.
i will try joes lights from his old fixture and will do a diy thread on build i guess. will post a few pics of build.