Macro/ Softie tank idea

So part of my mindset of getting back into the hobby, I decided to keep things as basic, and cheap as possible.

With that being said, I was thinking it might be cool to setup a small cube tank, consisting of macro, and soft corals.

My questions are, do you think a powerhead, water changes, rock/sand and macro would be sufficient filtration?

With or without fish?

[quote=“Scottman81, post:2, topic:6903”]
With or without fish?[/quote]

With some fish, perhaps a pair of clowns, and or a small goby.

Should work just fine, that’s what I have going on with my 25 gallon cube. I have a small HOB filter that I modded into a small fuge, a single Maxi-jet 1200 with a SQWD for water movement, about 20lbs of sand and about 20 lbs of rock. I added 2 different types of caulerpa in the display as well and IMO things are going well.

[quote=“Sneeyatch, post:4, topic:6903”]
Should work just fine, that’s what I have going on with my 25 gallon cube. I have a small HOB filter that I modded into a small fuge, a single Maxi-jet 1200 with a SQWD for water movement, about 20lbs of sand and about 20 lbs of rock. I added 2 different types of caulerpa in the display as well and IMO things are going well.[/quote]

Which 25 Gallon cude do you have? Thinking of ditching the AIO and going for a rimless setup.

Mines just a Marineland cube. It has a beefy frame on the top and bottom. Kind of looks like an old school Oceanic cube.

Here is some inspiration for you… This tank has some of the nicest softies I’ve ever seen and incorporates them seamlessly.