Mag Flake

Hey Guys anyone know where I can get Mag Flake from DOW. I want to start dosing Magnessium and I am tired of pay out the nose for ready made products. I am goint to try the 10:1 mag flake/Epson salt mixture. Any thoughts?

Ken mentioned a place out of the way that carrys it. Wasn’t a name brand store. I am sure he will post shortly.(he is probably just finished up breakfast)

im pretty soure he got some recently from a sears. im soure he will hop in soon enough.

I havent used it in a couple of years but i picked mine up at the lowes in Bear. It was the same brand recommended in Randy’s original article.

this is a local company which should have the flake.

Oh i forgot to mention. I bought a 50 pound bag o Dead Sea Works Mag Flake at the SNEARS hardware store in College Square , newark, last week. DEAD SEA WORKS MAGFLAKE (from Israel) is the preferred brand for purity.

Twenty bucks. they had several pallets outside in the garden center. better hurry, they will send them back to storage very soon. some stores are already setting up for spring mulching season.

oh and ive seen a bag in the window of ACTION something or other services on Quigley, first off north bound Rte 13 just a hundred yards south of the 13/273 intersection. red brick building. got a big sign on the lawn saying snow melts. in between two auto dealers. probably had Calcium Chloride too. CFORCE would be a good brand. But i also just bought a 50 pound bag of Prestone Driveway Heat from Lowes. Prestone is out the back door of DOW PELADOW pellets.

+1 on the Magflake from that sears, I got for 8 bux there one year.

Thanks Guys,

I picked up a 50 lb bag at Sears. there was not much left if anyone wants it.

I’ll have to do that. I need to find a source of epson salts as well.

Thats good Mike. Sears had a few bags inside the store on a shelf and a couple pallets outside under the roof. oh, but they may have had a run on it with the snow last weekend, and more comining soon.

epsom salts are always available at drugstores, grocery stores, walmart. all good.

I go to the $ store for the epsom salts, don’t last long but its a $. Thanks for the heads up on the limited avail on the flake.