Does anyone know or have experience with mixing a 1 spot foxface with a magnificent foxface?
They have the same bodies but different coloring and only thing found was they should only be kept in mated pairs. Nothing about different species
Pretty sure they will shred each other up unless you have a very large tank, but I could be wrong. I haven’t purchased a rabbitfish for my own aquariums yet because I’ve been holding out for a nice small Magnificent.
From Live Aquaria, “It is a very peaceful species except when housed with other rabbitfish. " Though I tend to disagree with keeping a 9” fish in a 70gallon aquarium which LA also seems to deem acceptable.
[quote=“Gordonious, post:2, topic:4194”]
Pretty sure they will shred each other up unless you have a very large tank, but I could be wrong. I haven’t purchased a rabbitfish for my own aquariums yet because I’ve been holding out for a nice small Magnificent.
From Live Aquaria, “It is a very peaceful species except when housed with other rabbitfish. " Though I tend to disagree with keeping a 9” fish in a 70gallon aquarium which LA also seems to deem acceptable. [/quote]
+1, I was just in barns&noble with my wife and quickly glanced at latest issue of Tropical fish mag, there was article about not to keep rabbitfish with it’s own kind in same tank.
DPA has 2 nice looking magnificent rabbitfish. I think they were around 5" long and at a $99 price tag. My rabbitfish is supposedly 5 years old so who knows how long he will live since alot of fish live longer then they say in books.
Thanks for the info guys I will hold off for now. Wish I had a bigger tank already…