Majano Anemone are tough as hell

So I have an apparently mastered the art of growing majano anemones in my tank.

I decided to do some tank maintenance this weekend, which included an endeavor to start eradicating this little creatures from my system.

Some of the rocks had a few here and there - those I just hit with the zapper and fried them. Other rocks had WAY too many, and I decided it would be faster an easier to cook the rocks.

I made up about 2 1/2 gallons of fresh, ice cold rodi water, dumped in about a cup of Kalk to get the PH stupid high (I mean so much Kalk I couldn’t see the bottom of the bucket), and dropped the rocks in. I let them soak for somewhere around 3-4 hours, at which time I pulled them out, hit them with a scrub brush, ran them under cold, and scaldingly hot water, and let them air dry for about an hour before adding them back to my tank. Aside form being incredibly white, I thought they came out looking pretty good - killed ALL kinds of stuff on them (by the way, a good chunk of cabbage leather will make your garbage disposal shake the whole house and get you yelled at by your wife).

I was absolutely flabbergasted this afternoon, to find that one of these little SOBs lived through all of that and was just as big and bright green as it was when I first started. I would have sworn this thing was made of kryptonite (side note… my spell check is suggesting krypton is a word, but kryptonite isn’t…wtf?)…that is if it had survived a direct dose of kalk paste and a 5 minute ride with the zapper.

I won - but just thought I’d share just how resilient these things are.

get a Bristletail Filefish. I bought one 2 months ago and my tank is Majano free

Craig I feel your pain!! I have a big majano anemone problem in my tank too! You don’t happen to still have the file fish do you? Did he bother any of the corals in your tank? I have a mixed reef of sps, lps, softies and zoas. I need to get these guys out of my tank them are driving me nuts! Almost what to throw everything away and start over.

I have a file fish in my fug. I had aptasia in my fug and I no longer have that problem.

[quote=“mortyn02, post:3, topic:7804”]
Craig I feel your pain!! I have a big majano anemone problem in my tank too! You don’t happen to still have the file fish do you? Did he bother any of the corals in your tank? I have a mixed reef of sps, lps, softies and zoas. I need to get these guys out of my tank them are driving me nuts! Almost what to throw everything away and start over.[/quote]

Guess the butterfly didnt help?

Nope! He is alive and well but not eating majanoes. Seems like the filefish may be my next best option. So yours ate them too!?

So this is the second file fish I have had. The first did an unbelievable job about a year ago. He cleaned up the entire tank (roughly 100-150 manjanos) but then started picking at my Acan and a few other things. I was Manjano free up until a few months ago and I started noticing them coming back. I bought another filefish about 3 weeks ago and he has started cleaning them up. I plan to put him in my sump once he completes the job so I can put him back in the tank if I start seeing manjanos again.

[quote=“alemab3, post:7, topic:7804”]
So this is the second file fish I have had. The first did an unbelievable job about a year ago. He cleaned up the entire tank (roughly 100-150 manjanos) but then started picking at my Acan and a few other things. I was Manjano free up until a few months ago and I started noticing them coming back. I bought another filefish about 3 weeks ago and he has started cleaning them up. I plan to put him in my sump once he completes the job so I can put him back in the tank if I start seeing manjanos again.[/quote]

This is good if the tank is small enough to catch the fish.

I have a 125 gallon tank. These guys are pretty easy to catch if you have a fish trap. They can’t refuse Mysis shrmp.