right now, i have 100 gallons in the basement [about a constant 65 degrees] being heated by a 300 w rena heater that is on most of the time. I am going to be adding a second tank with 65 gallons to the system, plumbed together. My sump is directly on the concrete floor [a mistake not to insulate it, but…]. What should i use to heat the entire thing: 2 individual heaters, a 500 watt titanium, or something else? i’d like to put the heater into the sump.
i would run 3 300w heaters, a third a tank away from each other for even distribution. its a good fail safe and your basement is pretty cold, i run my house at 78 (free heat apt lol) and the heater just compensates if there is a chilly draft.
OR the 300w and 2x150 or 200w what evers on the market im not sure atm
I agree with Tim, the heaters will only come on as needed so it’s not like you will be powering all three. Good to have in case one goes out.
i run 4 heaters at various points throughout my system. if one fails, the others will compensate.
thanks all. i hope this will amount to $$ savings too, as well as safety.
kind of off topic but, anyone tried the new inline heaters??? i think hydor is making them. seems to be a good idea for those with sumps and such… any kind of external plumbing. lmk
I am running 3 heaters on my main system currently. Two are in the sump near the highest area of flow the second is in a tank that I was only able to drill a 1/2" bulk head into. I would HIGHLY recommend never counting on one heater and never keeping a heater in your tank that could handle the whole system.
[quote=“fishguy9, post:6, topic:2545”]
kind of off topic but, anyone tried the new inline heaters??? i think hydor is making them. seems to be a good idea for those with sumps and such… any kind of external plumbing. lmk[/quote]
Not really too new, they have been out at least two years likely more. I have never used them myself, but I know Charlie at Premium Aquatics has. I believe Tom at DPA used one as well. I’d try talking to them, but realize their bias.(they sell them there)
[quote=“Gordonious, post:7, topic:2545”]
I would HIGHLY recommend never counting on one heater and never keeping a heater in your tank that could handle the whole system. [/quote]
I couldn’t agree more. Heaters have a tendency to “Stick on” - if you have 1 giant heater that sticks on you could very easily cook your tank. If you run 3 smaller heaters and 1 sticks on you may get an increase in temp but not so drastic as to start killing off coral and livestock. I run 2 small and 1 medium sized heater in my system.
so that’s the way i’ll go, at least 2, prolly 3 heaters. thanks.
ill be running 2 heaters for my 90 tank and 20 sump (300 and 200 watt stealths) and ill probably end up pluming in a frag system of some kind and add another smaller heater in that tank.
Mutiple heaters are always the way to go. Besides, when i was buying heaters for my 265g i couldnt find even one 500w heater with good reviews. Im not sure what it is, but all of the large titanium heaters from various maunfactures seemed to have very poor feedback.
Check out the Rena smart heaters. I ended up getting 2 X 300w for my 265g and they are amazing. The quality of construction is second to none. I know that DPA started to stock them after they special ordered them for me. Worth checking out.
thanks sahwn will do. i have 1 rena 300 in the tank now.
Another important point is putting the heaters in different locations. I keep one in both the tank and the sump.
yeppers. will do.