Making a reactor out of Old RO main filters

Is there a way to turn my old ro/di prefilters into a reactor for carbon/gfo/ect…

are you referring to the housings or the actual filters?

housings - absolutely
spent filters - no



I would use a small submersible pump, hook up the proper hose size from it to the ro/di and perhaps use some filter sock material in the ends of the units to keep your media from coming loose.

YGPM also.

what pump feed 1/4" hose?

I have a small fountain pump that i use to circulate my water change water, something like that and a reducer?

something like this

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John - chances are that 1/4" wont do the trick. the good thing is that you can replace the 1/4" john guest fittings on each end with 3/8" or 1/2". personally i wouldnt use a seperate pump. you have a manifold on your return pump right? thats what i would use to feed these. i also wouldnt use any filter sock material. they have refillable media containers that fit inside of the housings used for DI resin. thats what you want to use!

check out the filter guys or bulk reef supply to see how they use these.

Okay doke thanks…