Hey Paul, the other day we were talking about manadrin dragon goby, so I got a good pic of mine and thought I show it to you.
This shot is dark in the back, will try and get a brighter shot
Hey Paul, the other day we were talking about manadrin dragon goby, so I got a good pic of mine and thought I show it to you.
This shot is dark in the back, will try and get a brighter shot
ohh while we are showing off mandarins here is my target mandarin
Nice picture Tim, looks really healthy. So, I just had to get a better shot to show my mandy.LOL
He is faaaaat and phat too. really nice john. the purple birdsnest is lookin nice and healthy. gonna move it up some tonight!
Phat… lol please no…
well, the spelling is generally so weird on all the forums i read that phat shood bea know ishoo.
Thanks Paul, happy the frag is doing well. And I couldn’t agree with you more about how the correct spelling of the English language has dissappeared. It has been replaced by another foreign language, I think it’s called “TEXTING”, originating in some coporate executive board room. It is some kind of commuicating without anyone knowing that you are trying to say something, oh yeah, and it costs more than if you just speak the words. BRILLIANT
Haha, i disagree with the comment about how correct spellings have gone away… Its called slang people, every generation has it, and just because it is different then the slang that the old timers grew up with does not make it any different. For example:
All slang is degeneration/modification of current words. Most times they develope because they are easier to say /do/text. While i agree slang has change some words in the english language, and the use of words also change it. Just talked about this in english:
awful deserving of awe
brave cowardice (as in bravado)
counterfeit legitimate copy
cute bow-legged
girl young person of either sex
guess take aim
knight boy
luxury sinful self indulgence
neck parcel of land (as in neck of the woods)
notorious famous
nuisance injury, harm
quick alive (as in quicksilver)
sophisticated corrupted
tell to count (as in bank teller)
truant beggar
Thats in meaning, here is in spelling:
Laze to Lazy
a Naranj>>> a narange>>>> an arange>>>> an orange
Choco>>>chocoatl>>>Chocolato>> chocolate
Here is some slang that im sure you use/ have used:
bra brassière
bus omnibus (Latin: for everyone)
exam examination
gym gymnasium
knickers knickerbockers
lab laboratory
mob mobile vulgus (Latin: fickle crowd)
petrol petroleum (Greek: rock oil)
pram parambulator
stat statistics
a nickname an ekename
a newt an ewt
an adder a nadder
an apron a napron
an orange a narange
an umpire a nonper
As you can see, 99.9% of the words you used to type the previous post are forms of slang, and rewording of previous words. English is a borrow language, as a lot of it comes from german, latin, and a little french. So i dont think you can say that my generation is abusing spelling as yours has and every other one has…
LOL!!! The difference with what you replied with and what is going on today with texting is…
All the old time slang words were used by speaking them
They were FREEEEEE!
3.Corporate America forced todays slang by making people pay for the usage
Okay heres the rebuttle:
It started out with writing. we can thank shakespeare, Descartes, Locke, Voltaire, linguists, Chaucer ect. Through their writings words were created, changed, and emphasized in many ways. So the way i look at it your generation made it worse by speaking. At least when written down there is standardized spelling.
what makes slang cost money. texting is just another way to comunicate. To draw comparisions to old time. you paid for a telephone, cell phone, radio, tv. so all the same you paid for vehicles to use slang also.
again goes with #2
So as i see we are taking word alteration old school, back to its roots, with just new technology.
Its clearly two seperate things going on here that make this topic so unique. Its both generational and technological. Of course its not the first time their has been large technological spans between generations but each new generation seems to be setting new precedents!
2 b hnst wht scrs me is whn oldr gnrtions strt 2 uz 2days technlgy - ths kds go to skool to lrn hw 2 do ths. Nt in clss but in the hallwys. ur tryng to fgr it out using a MB and dnt hv the ablty to hr wht is bng said.
But plz rmbr b4 thr ws “txting” thr ws shrt hand, and bnkrs and wtrs strtd ths yrs ago.
Ok back to english:
One of the first things I learned 15 years ago when I started working for a credit card (CC) company was to eliminate as many vowls from my typing as possible b/c space was expensive and no one likes to scroll to look through acocunt notes.
Even before that I learned to abbreviate while working in restaraunts. People speak fast when they order so you needed to be able to keep up.
It really is probably no more expensive to text today then it was to telegram, telegraph, mail a letter 50-70 years ago. Not when you consider the number of messages sent.
I send about 4K text messages a month. In 1940 stamps cost $.03. At 4K texts at $.03 is $120 a month.
I’ll keep my $70 phone bill.
lol its not that extreme… see txting is cheaper lol
you rlleay dnot hvae to eevn hvae the ltertes in the rghit oedrr as lnog as ecah wrod has the frsit and lsat lttres in the rghit plcaes. engrish 101
and some how i understand that,lol.
not to be too ridiculous about it, but
slang still is spelled correctly, it’s [NOT ITS] the meaning that has changed.
abbrevs r fine, k?
but actual erors in spelling just are unecesary. not that it really MATTERS, as long as communication is understood,. all my mistaks are underlind automatic ally in the forum, so fixing them doesn’t even tak n e bran power
i’m sure that u woodn’t leaf mistakes on an aplication to colledge or a job b/c they will cause anyone readding them to wonder if you hav any comand of englishatall, so why loof them hear?
lol i wasnt serious, just thought that was funny
Lol its, it’s same diff just more movement haha…
Paul slang does not have to be spelled correctly, thats one of the major reasons that its slang. Most slang comes from changing the original word. Like fat and phat. i agree that stupid spelling mistakes are stupid, but thats not what we are arguing…
Tim i think that really shows the development and power of the human mind. that as long as the first and last letter are the same we can instantly understand the word… amazing.
Paul slang does not have to be spelled correctly, thats one of the major reasons that its slang.
no john, that is incorrect. you need to chili out.
just take fat/phat. misspell one and the meaning of “she’s an mighty phat singer” might get you a punch from her boyfriend.
in those 60’s you mentioned, i would never have written, “melon out, stay real gravy, and go with the floe.” i’d have been considered an stonned idit.
hit the wrong note in yr marchingband and i might not know it, but everyone in the band would. same with language.
it’s amazing to me that on the 3 sw forums i visit that there is an astounding amount of brilliance, about latin names of critters, chemistry, compatibility of creatures, differences among [not between] various pieces [not peaces] of equipment, kinds of glass and acrylic, lighting of every type, etc., and yet the native language we are spozd to all use is hideously corrupted.
and i thing this tread is the sheet. YahoO
It’s crazy how much my spelling has improved on the forums. How: I was a computer geek back in the day, so I am pretty quick with short cut keys. Every time I make a post before I send I select all the text (ctrl+a), copy(ctrl+c), then open word(on my computer Windows icon (Start on keyboard), Programs(P), Office(0), Word(w) and paste(ctrl + c v) then I indent a couple of times while I wait for word to spell check.(happens in a couple seconds time, as fast as you can type the word “billion†I have opened word, as it is the same number of keystrokes) After word has corrected me a million times I start to learn how to spell the words I use most often correctly. The fact that I have an old version of word that doesn’t correct my grammar automatically and no one corrects me on the forums probably has decreased my grammar skills though.
Paul it annoys me to how horrible some peoples spelling and grammar is. And I agree a lot of it is not short hand or slang, but simple laziness and misunderstanding of the English language. Like your example of piece and peace. Both words are just as long and it doesn’t take less time to type one or the other and there are a million other similar examples I could give.
It’s ok though. People who type like that shows to me is there showing off their lack of education and helps me to realize they are likely speaking from experience in the hobby, or just repeating something they heard in an LFS and not speaking from an extremely academic background. Kind of like when a redneck walks up to the governor and says, “I’lls tell you polaticans what ya’ll should do with my money.†The governor might hear the man out to get a new viewpoint, but pretty much knows the redneck may not know how “polatickin†works.