So we’ve had a spotted female mandarin for over a year now. She is full grown. We just brought home a male 1.5 inch blue mandarin and the female keeps going at him. We’ve separated them for now. Does anyone have any suggestions on getting these two used to each other? Will it ever work?
As a side note, when we first got the spotted female mandarin we had also gotten a large blue male mandarin and placed them in our tank together and they did fine. I don’t know if it was because he was bigger than her or if it was because we introduced them at the same time. He died only a month later when he got his head lodged into a crevice in the live rock. Thanks!
you could feed them a lot, often to distract them. he will probably just be hen pecked until he grows a bit and they settle down. even though they are the only pair in their new water cube universe, they still want to make a choice. they will probably work it out.
I was recording a video of the tank as the fighting comensed so tomorrow or sunday I will try to post up the video… The female was pretty ruff even ripped his back fin and locked onto his dorsal fin before I took it out. The male was so calm did not do a thing to protect himself. The new male is now in the fuge for the time being.