March 19th Meeting

Seems like i was just at William Penn yesterday ::thinking:: and we’ve got a meeting in a few days GolfC

So, here’s what we’ve got for monday so far…
A $50 Champion Lighting gift certificate and a $30 That Pet Place gift card as a combined “golden ticket” prize.

And since everyone should of at least got a “temporary” fix for frags last weekend, i thought we’d mix it up and put one nice clam in the frag raffle tank instead of 6 frags of something we all have just seen. I’ll post a pic tmmrw hopefully.

We will also be offering extra gift bags from the swap for $10ea. I havent looked at one yet, but i was told there’s a $20 gift cert to F&S, maybe a t-shirt and lots of other goodies… maybe someone else can chime in ?
Also, those of you who signed up and volunteered at the swap will have complimentary bags waiting for you at the meeting… thanks again for all the help
Also DRC calendars are reduced to $10 and maybe we’ll add one to the clam raffle as a runner up prize ::thinking::

For meeting content I’m going to try and construct a portable/demo type version of a herbie style overflow. I’ll see what i can accomplish/ and what parts i can scrounge up over the weekend. I have one on my smaller tank that i can’t brag enough about. 100% silent and very safe and reliable. nobody likes a gurgling overflow, hopefully i can share info to anyone pondering a new tank setup, or just a hang-on overflow box make-over.

And for future meetings i’d like to re-start the “tank tour of the month” … for those new members that have not seen one yet, its simply a 10 minute (roughly) presentation of your tank/tanks. including pictures and/or video that you can present on the projector… you know, a whole run down on your system and its inhabitants, followed up with Q&A…
I’ll take volunteers for April and May, just shoot me a pm if interested.
Here’s a link to the one i did last year of my tank. doesnt need to be exact, just a rough guidline.

And when KaptKen did his, It was simply a well done slide show of incredible coral colonies that had us all drooling.

Basically, just show off your stuff, or show us your progress so far (so don’t be shy newbies) my tank was only about a year old in that video, it was cool watching it just now, and seeing how much has changed in the past year ;D
See you this monday @ 7pm YahoO

Question for the club. Do we want to have a seperate golden ticket item, or would you prefer to have a clam raffle where the tickets are only $10?

Think that depends on the golden ticket item , not everyone that comes has a light to handle clams and they not participate

Good point Bill - maybe we do 2 raffles then. 1 for the gift certificates and the other for the clam?

I went to the LFS today… DPA, and set out to get us a clam for the raffle this monday night.
I took the par meter along to get a reading. There was a nice crocea there, actually its been there for at least 3 months, looking extremely healthy the whole time. I can’t believe no one has bought it.
PAR was about 100 even at the tops of the mantles

Anyway, i didn’t make out so good buying a clam for us…

i grabbed two YahoO

both are about 3 1/2’’ each. Both look amazing and very healthy, and will be kept in a pest-free holding tank, placed under the same amount of par until monday ::thumbsup::
more pics to come, i’m dripping them now, then i need to re- temp acclimate them, but they’re opened up nice in the drip tub. I’ll get a top down pic now.

Usually we raffle off whatever our sponsors are kind enough to give us, but we figured we’d support the lfs, and splurge a little bit as a way for the club to say thanks for all the support in making the swap such a success!

They look good ::thumbsup::, and the crocea is not nearly opened all the way yet. They’re being lit in this picture by the tank light thats spilling on the container

I’ll be posting more pics when they settle in the tank…

Usually we raffle off whatever our sponsors are kind enough to give us, but we figured we’d support the lfs, and splurge a little bit as a way for the club to say thanks for all the support in making the swap such a success!
completely agree!!!
what’s up with the squammie’s 3rd mantle fold? has that opened fully?

Paul it will be fine I looked at it today in the store and it was completely open, little po’d with the journey maybe.

[quote=“moliken, post:7, topic:3303”]
Usually we raffle off whatever our sponsors are kind enough to give us, but we figured we’d support the lfs, and splurge a little bit as a way for the club to say thanks for all the support in making the swap such a success!
completely agree!!!
what’s up with the squammie’s 3rd mantle fold? has that opened fully?[/quote]
relax paul, wait til you get pics of them out of the drip container before you critique >LOCO<
pics soon, but its so open u can’t see the shell now ::thumbsup::
they’re in my 30, so i should be able to get a top down… i’ll try later

looks fine. just needs a little lip stick.

that was not a criticism. i just wanted to know if anything was wrong. glad it’s fully open. my $$ will be in for the clam raffle.

[quote=“kaptken, post:10, topic:3303”]
just needs a little lip stick. [/quote]

The clam… or Paul ::thinking::


If i remember later/ have time i’ll take more pics… if not def tmmrw. I cut the light out a bit early last night for them, but they sure looked good before it went off!

lights just came on… more pics! YahoO
lighting in pics is only 10k daylight, no actinic… and of course, look even better in person ::thumbsup::

Now, these guys aren’t “ultra colored”, but i did select them for their health. And as our clam guys will tell you, the best clams in their tanks are the healthiest ones, that stick around so we can watch em grow!
And these have really, really cool patterns

for size comparison, that’s a standard 7/8’’ frag plug in the 1st pic
front view

top view

We’re going to raffle this month similar to “frag swap” raffling style. Put your ticket in the cup of the prize you’d like to win…
tickets will be $10ea… or… 3 for $20 YahoO
now… which cup to put more tickets in… hmm ::thinking::
I want both of them!

Nice looking ::thumbsup::
May need to participate myself for this one. YahoO

Would like to congratulate John (houndsbayman)(sarcasm) for managing to win both of the clams at our club’s monthly meeting tonight. Still don’t know how he got so lucky, but enjoy it John.

[quote=“reefman66, post:15, topic:3303”]
Would like to congratulate John (houndsbayman)(sarcasm) for managing to win both of the clams at our club’s monthly meeting tonight. Still don’t know how he got so lucky, but enjoy it John.[/quote]

Yeah right… very lucky!

well at least the clams got lucky also, they are getting a good home in John’s tank fo’ sure ::thumbsup::

Thanks guys. Everybody gets lucky once in awhile. Saint:) YahoO

Thanks to Paul for not showing up last night because I read that he was going to win them. abcd

Have the clams in frag tank, will move them to join their new buddies soon. : :BEER

pics when they reach their permanent residence John!