March Adopt-A-Highway Clean up

Ok - it’s starting to warm up and we figure by the end of March it should be nice enough to head over and complete our first ever Adopt-A-Highway clean-up.

Which date works best for you?


I figure if we start around 11 we can wrap up by 2 and grab some lunch somewhere nearby.

Please vote above, and post here if you have any other questions, concerns, or comments.

Are you suggesting lunch at Stewart’s Craig?? PBJ!

Mmmm beer ;D

Well there’s McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Chik-Fillet, Kenny’s Pn Asian Cuisine, Moe’s Southwestern Grille, Bob evans…but if we vote and everyone wants to go to Stewarts who am I to disagree??

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:4, topic:3873”]
Well there’s McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Chik-Fillet, Kenny’s Pn Asian Cuisine, Moe’s Southwestern Grille, Bob evans…but if we vote and everyone wants to go to Stewarts who am I to disagree??[/quote]

Democracy at it’s finest. :BEER ::thumbsup::

The poll did not give an option to pick multipe days so I picked the 19th but am available either Saturday. I will also be willing to partake in a tour of the Stewart brew pub to make sure their product is still fine.

Did we set a day? Kind of need to know…

Clean up will be March 19th - meet at the library at 11am?

are pickup sticks and gloves provided or should we bring our own ?

I think DelDot said they would provide vests, gloves, and bags. However I’ve never trusted the government so I’m bringing my own.

Did you have to give them the date? Do they provide the stuff at the location or does someone have to pick it up in advance? Do we call when done so they pick up? Is their a particular location where we stack the bags for pickup?

I looked on the site and we need to inform them of the date and pick up supplies.
How do I get supplies to conduct my cleanup?
Upon being informed of your scheduled cleanup, DelDOT will supply participants with
safety information, plastic trash bags, safety vests and “Crews Working” signs. Rubber
gloves are also available upon request. These materials should be picked up from the
DelDOT district maintenance office during working hours one week before the cleanup.
What do I do with the trash I collect?
Filled trash bags may be left under your AAH sign. The contact person for the group
should notify DelDOT on the next business day to let us know that the trash needs to be
picked up.
You are welcome to dispose of the trash with your personal trash, but you will not be
reimbursed for any personal disposal services.
Participants are encouraged to separate and recycle appropriate materials for their benefit
and to further help the environment. However, it is not a requirement of the program. If
participants recycle the trash, they are entitled to keep the money for their group or
personal benefit.

FWIW, on RTE 7 right across the road from where we are cleaning the road is a recycling ctr for paper, glass, plastic and other goods. It is just a drop off location so no money but it is better then picking up the trash and putting it in a landfill.

Love it when you answer your own questions and I don’t have to type it out.

I’ve already contacted Deldot to reserve 15 vests, gloves, and bags. They are only providing rubber gloves so if you have yard gloves I’d suggest bringing them along.

I’d prefer to recycle if we can.

Got to love the copy / paste…winning

maybe we can make some sticks with nails on them to stick plastic bottles and paper. You know , less stooping.

[quote=“kaptken, post:15, topic:3873”]
maybe we can make some sticks with nails on them to stick plastic bottles and paper. You know , less stooping.[/quote]
We could modify a leaf blower to suck and have a bag attached to collect paper

[quote=“a1amap, post:16, topic:3873”]

[quote=“kaptken, post:15, topic:3873”]
maybe we can make some sticks with nails on them to stick plastic bottles and paper. You know , less stooping.[/quote]
We could modify a leaf blower to suck and have a bag attached to collect paper[/quote]

Actually we don’t even need to mdify one. They make them that way now - will even mulch the paper before it blows it in to the bag. Can turn 7 bags of leaves in to 1!!!

But I ain’t ruining my leaf blower/vacuum >LOCO<

I know they make leaf blower and vacuums but I figured we could modify the fan which chops the leaves to a metal fan blade to chop paper and garbage. I have no problem ruining your leaf blower

I’ll tell ya what - I have one you can modify. The engine seized on it a couplpe years ago and I can’t get it to start - so maybe you’re better with motors then I am and can get it running and get the fan modified.

Any ideas when there will be another Stewarts day highway cleanup? I promise to be on time for this one.