March Clean-up - Who's in?

OK gang it looks like March 19th won out for availability.

We’re going to meet at 11am at the Bear Library. We should be done in under 2 hours - depending on how many people show up. I’m bringing the whole family ;D

Who’s in?

We’re going to Stewarts for lunch when we’re done.

Now who’s in?? :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry we can’t cover the bill - everyone has to cover their own lunch.

I’ll be there.

me sue and nikki are in ill see what i can do about getting some extra gloves but no guarantee

I work every sat 7-3pm

My wife works till 12:00 but me and the girls will help and then Colleen will be there after work.

looks good for me.

I won’t be able to attend due I work part time job every sat and sun alsi. But till 330

I will do my best to be there ::thumbsup::, unless ::hitsthefan::

I’m in

I picked up garbage bags, ignorantly yellow “Adopt A Highway” safety vests, and latex gloves this afternoon.

I’d still reccomend bringing your own leather gloves unless Amtrack is donating them.(??) and a stick with a nail in it if you have one lying around.

Again we will be meeting at 11am Saturday morning at the Bear Library - we will figure out logistics once we see who and how many show up.

I hates getting up before noon, but i will be there.

Have to help my sister move from OC MD to Dover saturday… almost rather pick up trash than lift stuff after getting my butt kicked by the personal trainer tomorrow :-("

I really wish I could participate, but Saturdays aren’t good for me. Have fun everyone!!

Ka Bump. Y’all Come.

I am at the beach this weekend so I will not be making it tomorrow.

Just a quick update - Craig (squarebox) donated 20 pairs of nice heavy leather gloves for tomorrow’s clean-up.

Looks like the weather is going to be nice, I understand that the beer at Stewarts is going to be cold too.

I pounded a nail into a stick. Did you?

Good turn out! We did an awesome job!

I did my part, showed up late and took pictures lOl

Everybody did A LOT of work, they over-filled Craigs truck after spending almost 3hrs gathering it all up! It seemed like everyone had a good time, got their good deed in, got some exercise, and had a fun time at Stewarts afterward.(just ask the waitress). A big thanks to Craig for organizing this, and to everyone that gave up time on a nice saturday to help out!!

Wish Steph and I could have made it, had unexpected company show up. Good job guys. Hope everyone had a good time! See you guys tomorrow night.