Medication Cabinet Clean-Out Day

[center]Medication Cabinet
Clean-Out Day
Thursday, April 23
8 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Rooms 1 & 2, John H. Ammon Medical Education Center at Christiana Hospital

Unwanted or expired medications cause thousands of accidental poisonings
each year and have been detected in municipal water supplies. Bring these old
medications to Christiana Hospital for proper disposal. All medications will
be disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner.
The following medications will be accepted:
Prescriptions. Inhalers.
Over-the-counter pills. Vitamins.
Pet medicines. Liquid medications.

Leave all medications in their original containers.[/center]

[center]Did you know that it’s no longer safe to flush unwanted medicines? That flushed pharmaceuticals have been found in municipal water systems? The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reports that no sewage treatment systems are specifically engineered to remove pharmaceuticals. When old drugs are flushed down the toilet, they may harm fish, animals, plants, and people.

Medicine Cabinet Clean-out Day, sponsored by Christiana Care and hosted by the Delaware Nurses Association, will be held on April 23rd from 8 AM until 1 PM at the Ammon Center at Christiana Hospital. This is a joint volunteer effort among staff from the Departments of Nursing, Pharmacy, Facilities Engineering, Occupational Safety, Human Resources, Public Safety, and the CCHS Environmental Stewardship Committee, along with local law enforcement, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Delaware Board of Pharmacy!

The purpose of this event is to enable all of us to empty our homes of medicines–prescription, over-the-counter, even pet medicines-- that we no longer need or want around the house. The drugs will be disposed of in an environmentally safe way.

Protect yourself, your family, the community, and the environment by joining us on Thursday, April 23rd, 8A-1PM for this pharmaceutical take-back event. Please share this information with your staff and others in the community who may be interested. Thank you!


thats good. those things should never be flushed down the whirly . it just goes straight through the water treatment plant and to the river or ground water. including most of the ones we actually take too.

Since we are on the topic. the next Household Hazardous Waste Disposal day will be May 2, 2009 in lower Delaware. for all that other stuff you might have under the sink, in the basement or garage and want to get rid of safely. That includes old flourescent light bulbs, PCs and Metal Halides. all contain mercury.

Happy Recycling.

Great info… we recycle all the time but usually just chuck the old drugs in th trash can. I will keep this in mind. Thanks!

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