Meeting 2-16 @ 7pm ---> @ Armco Aquatics <---

Early release details for the DRC February meeting.

More info will be coming soon.

Due to the holiday, the meeting will be at 7:00pm on Monday February 16th not be at William Penn High School.

We will be meeting at armco aquatics.

Reef Creature of the Month this month will be the Fungia Plate Coral

Please feel free to PM questions ahead of time and I will be sure to have as many answers as possible at the meeting.

Make sure you’re on time for the meeting this month. Rumor has it there’ll be tickets handed out for some awesome door prizes YahoO

PoM Giime a G PoM Gimme an I PoM Gimme an F PoM Gimme a T PoM

PoM Gimme a C PoM Gimme an E PoM Gimme an R PoM Gimme a T

Ok you get the idea. Be there or be left out.

who’s rumoring?

[quote=“moliken, post:4, topic:1067”]
who’s rumoring?[/quote]

A few very reliable gossip starters.

Craig you shouldn’t talk about yourself.

[quote=“IanH, post:6, topic:1067”]
Craig you shouldn’t talk about yourself.[/quote]

Well thank you Ian. i think that was the first time I was ever called reliable.

Ok your right, there’s noway Craig has been spreading the rumours.

Stop the HJack 'ers

I voted Yes…

Who wants Kalk at the next meeting speak up please.

Hey! Go presidents! I’ll be able to make this one, school is closed!

well im sure u already know but ill post on here also i would like some ian and please let me know when u guys find out where meeting will be at!

[quote=“IanH, post:11, topic:1067”]
Who wants Kalk at the next meeting speak up please.[/quote]
yep, speaking up

Dang, we get more holidays messing up our meeting venues than anything else. third mondays of the month are sure popular.

u guys figure out where its going to be at yet?

The meeting will be at:

armco aquatics
700 Cornell DR.
Wilmington, DE 19801

[center]Meeting 2-16 @ 7pm —> @ Armco Aquatics <—

Rich helped us out with a location since the School and the Library will be closed due to Presidents day.

Armco Aquatics
700 Cornell DR.

one of these meetings will work out as planned…

Here is the tentative schedule for Monday night:

20min - Raffle money / Dues 7:00 - 7:20
20min - Announcements /intro 7:40
10min - The critter of the month by Craig 7:50
20min – Bellamy’s presentation on Macro-algae in
the marine aquarium: Why, What, and How? 8:10
10min - Raffle 8:20
20min – Basic DIY plumbing/tricks by Rich (If time allows) 8:40
??min - End of meeting, Welcome to stay a bit and chat 9:00[/size]