So they are like cowries huh? Didn’t know that, but from playing with them that is what I would have classified them as. I found one or two w/o any spots and for some reason I thought they may be like cowries with a mantel that retracts. It’s funny though I had always thought that shell to be soft until I picked one up.
What is so bad about keeping them in an aquarium? Provided you’ve huge source of sea fan/whip/gorgonians to keep them fed? Of course I’m sure whoever was selling them neglected to mention that…
Ahh just did some reading that they are over collected and need to be protected, whelp there was no scarecty of gorgonian food source or flamingo tounges down there. Although the dive master only noticed one of them, I saw about 15, a couple the size of my big toe! Those buggers put a dent on that poor gorgonian…