Mg suppliment

I’ll make you a gallon if you want and I’ll use the reef calculator and we will get it right

[quote=“dunk, post:21, topic:5622”]
I’ll make you a gallon if you want and I’ll use the reef calculator and we will get it right[/quote]
sounds good. I’m still having an issue with the reef chemistry calculator. >:::

I did a water change, boosted salinity to 35 ppt about 1.025. The effect on the Mg reading was minimal, went up about 30 ppm to 1230. I received 10 lbs mag flake (magnesium chloride) today for about the cost of 10 ounces of the seachem stuff. Mixed up a batch of Randy’s, and dosing over 3 days to reach 1300-1350. It seems amazing the cost savings of this over the long term. Will post results if anything goes unexpected.