More coral tanks?

Hey FishBowlers,

I know that you know what you’re doing over there. But why not set up some more coral tanks? I for one, am in there all the time. The problem is when you have a tank, there are only so many fish you can squeeze into it. Whenever I’m in the store, you have a lot of fish (good) but only two tanks of coral (not so much). My tank is pretty much maxed out for fish. I can’t be the only one in this situation, I’m just saying that if you raised the coral to fish ratio I think you’d have a lot more sales in salt. I wouldn’t think it would take much to set up a four or five tank system with a communal sump/live rock tub. Maybe an increase in inverts as well. I am always in the market for clean up crew. Just a suggestion/question. Keep up the good work!


thanks joe,
i am working on getting her to move the rock to a separate tank altogether and rack the coral tanks for more space. even if i get them all plumbed together to act like a sump of sorts, i think moving the rock and racking the tanks will give her a lot more room for the corals.
thanks for the input, always appreciated!

Thanks for the response! As I said before, it really is looking better all the time. I’d love to purchase some corals, but it always seems like folks beat me to it. I have to start making it a point to come in on Mondays and Tuesdays?!

Yes Joe, you will have to come in monday/tuesday. I go in every week on mon, tues, and usally wed about 5pm. By that time the shipment is always there unless there is bad weather, and its not to picked over yet.

Beauty, I’m just getting to the point where I want to add some more corals. I’ll have to get into the rotation.

fbowl is really a fine place. better $$ than an unnamed other store on live stuff, insofar as ive seen.

Totally agreed with everything Joe said. More coral is better than more fish. The store is two to three times better than it was just a few months ago and always improving. I think if we continue to give them inputs as to what we want from a LFS, they will be come one of the best LFS in now time. I spend about 200 bucks in there just today. There is no way I could say that with the previous owner in-place.

Sounds good!

I’m glad to hear yous guys waaaaay down sooouuuuwwth now got a local LFS to cruise that gets what you like and need. It shouldn’t be too hard for any store, anywhere to adjust inventory. Just listen to clients and reefers and see whats they need. Then fillet?~.?

Life is good! Reefs are good! Business is good!!
I’m good to go, now.
I’m gone…
Way to Go Fish Bowl!