Moving to the area

Hey everyone, my name’s Todd and I live in Virginia Beach, VA. I’m out of the hobby right now, but am looking to get back in soon - you know, new house, new tank…

Right now I’m an administrator for the Hampton Roads Reef Club (HRRC), and sat on the BoD as Treasurer, VP and President over the years.

I was born in Wilmington and we have have family all over DE. I visit all the time (my mom and brother live in Dover) and it’s just that time to make a move. On top of my family being there, my son has autism and DE has excellent benefits for the autistic compared to down here… VA just kind of sucks when it comes to that.

Anyway - glad to become part of another area club - hopefully I get to meet you guys soon.

Welcome Home Todd! And Welcome to the Delaware Reef Club!

We will all be glad to meet you and your family! I hope the move goes well and you get to settle in soon.

You have some impressive club creds!


Welcome to DRC and welcome back to Delaware, hope to see you at a meeting we have members all over the state also and normally a carpool from Dover to the meetings.

Welcome Todd

Nice to have ya here. :Welcome)

Thanks for the warm welcome fellas. The reefing community is filled with good folks and good times.

:Welcome) Todd

There are several of us in the Dover area, if you decide to move there. If you have any questions about the area you want to move to just ask, like it was said before we have people all over the state.

Damn it John, you may be right about that hybrid minivan. ::rofl::


Sweet - thanks guys.