We (the clowns behind the scenes of this club) have been talking about getting some awesome Raffle prizes for the meetings… hopefully if we get enough interest, and more importantly, the golden ticket sales high enough to actually pay for the prize purchased, and cover the meeting expenses ( we want to have fun here, and not bankrupt the club) …
… then we may be able to start getting some great prizes for you guys… you know, lets take advantage of perks of being in a group…
I myself, have barely bought any raffle tickets of late… but i’m positive that i would somehow cough up a $20 in order to have a shot at a vortec, or an Led kit…
Please vote, and any input is appreciated… and if you want to share " yes, i’ll definitely buy a ticket" or “no, i’m not interested, or i can’t make it” then please, its all good info that’ll help make our decision a little easier…
This could easily happen at the next meeting… Its up to all of you guys/ gals to provide some “honest” feedback!
Thanks All
:BEER from The DRC
Btw… If you’re viewing from an iPhone and missed it, there’s a voting poll above this post…
You think we’ll have enough participation to cover the cost, like say for the MP40w/es? You know I’m in. I participate/donate every meeting I’d attend.
i think power heads are great we all use them and if its an extra one for backup i’d still buy in on one or two tickets i would love to win any power head especially mp40
I think if we tried to go big, we should print up fliers advertising the prizes and get them to the LFS
I don’t think we have enough active members on the forum to make a true judgment.
not me, i use those $15 mod kits for my 10 year old maxijets and a couple Koralia 4’s. I’m switching my MH light hood to a 6 bar T5 light strip for my acro frag tank. Charlie has it on order for me right now. but thats just me.
Well, if we want to spend some buckos, maybe a medium sized cone protein skimmer? or a neat little cube tank complete set up? or perhaps more, but less expensive very small , simple nano tanks for peoples desk, kitchen counter or office, with a couple shrimp included to keep you company during the work day? perhaps with a little rock decorated with some softies, schroooms and zoos like the one DPA has by the rock tank. but no kenya tree, no, none of them!!!
Or, how about this, winter is coming up and everyones old heaters start to fail. We could get a selection of digital heaters to include as raffle items. always need a spare. more good prizes, less bucks each but more winners.