My 29g bio cube seahorse tank

Thanks Sneeyatch. Sure let me know when you’re ready. Hopefully it’ll grow more by then, if not I know where you can get a little bit of it like I did.

Yeah, I never knew that these asterina stars has color in them till I took the pic. I always thought that they were all white.

I like the xenia pic. It looks like some kind of monster from the deep.

15 Jan 2014 update

Today finally became the day, the day I received my 2 ponies; 2 black line (H. erectus). Not sure of the sex since they’re still small, but hopefully they are a male and a female. The LFS had 4 of them in (wanted all 4, but someone already had them reserved) and they all look the same. So, I picked the 2 that I thought may be a male and a female. Now that I got them home, I think I may have 2 females because I can’t see the pouch of the male on any of them yet, but I do see the trait of female on them. Who knows, we’ll see in the long run.

So far they are doing very well. I’m glad the tank was well established with cope and amp pods before I got them, cause as soon as I finished acclimate them, drop them in the tank, they hook on to the prolifera then started hunting, pretty cool to see. Also to mention, they are feed on frozen brine or mysis, which is nice to have. Now I’m looking to make a feeding station for them. Very excited!

There 3 animal in this pic. Can you see them?

Got it first… victory! PBJ!

Nice pics!!

LOL, thanks Bryant.

Hey , Congrats!

Uhhh, as usual, the males have the big beer belly.

Looks awesome A.

Thanks Casey and Ken, that is from what I read as well. Also, male is suppose to be bigger than the female and male do not have as much curvature belly as the female due to the pouch sack. But I can’t find any reading about how soon can you determine the difference between the two.

Very cool A. Good luck with your new ponies!!!

Looks awesome A. Hope you did luck out with a mated pair. I know TOM products has a brine shrimp hatchery/feeder. Its inexpensive, but I have not used it before so can’t comment on its effictiveness. Keep us updated, it was a long time coming to get them ponies!

Thanks guys. Will keep you posted.

HELP! just took a peek at the seahorse tank and to my surprise there are 4 babies in there. I’m not ready or prepare for this. Don’t even know who is the mother/father or exactly how many babies there are, but I only see 4 (boy does this sounds like a reality show!!LOL). I turn off the pump right away and hopefully none got sucked into the filter.

What should I do? Here’s my plan. Let me know if this is what I should do. Get them out of the tank with the current tank water. Fine a small tank or container and put them in there with slow air going through. I need to get baby brine shrimp somewhere quick!

These are the best pics that I can get of them. They move so fast!

Congrats BoNg

Thanks ballen.

Here the makeshift nursery and brine shrimp hatchery started. Hopefully some will hatch. had these eggs for about 10+ years now. LOL

Congrats, keep us posted, must be doing something right if they are breading.

Thanks Frank. Don’t know what I did, I just feed them.

Congrats poppa bear

Nice Surprise! maybe try something like this?

but you will need some live green water culture, and hatch artemia and rotifers.

Thanks Casey.

Ken. It would be nice if I was prepare for this. I don’t have any green water sitting around. I went to The Fish Bowl and got some frozen rotifers, that was all they had. Got some brine shrimp culture going hopefully some will hatch.

the important thing is the round goldfish bowl with a slow bubbler in it makes like a DIY kreisel tank with a slow tumbling current. that keeps the little guys from getting stuck in a corner, and the circulation keeps them and food floating around so they can find it without spending a lot of energy swimming.

yeah, sudden surprise. but they will have more. maybe next bunch you will have something ready for them.

Yea, I hope not soon. I’m too busy for other things, then seahorse baby sitting. LOL