Nano-reef contest

Kyle(kdino) started a thread about a contest that nano-reef is having. Read more here:

Anyhow, it looks like several members are in the process of starting up small tanks shortly and plan to join the contest. I thought it would be very cool for the DRC to represent and maybe have a little side action between us. Anyone interested should first post here then start your thread on nanoreef per directions. It would be pretty cool if you distinguished your thread in some way to represent the DRC! Once we all get going we can start a single thread for everyone to share on our forums and reef-geeks! If things take off maybe we can even have a secondary contest just among us? who knows?

If anyone needs a hand with anything related to building your system now is the time to ask!! im on vacation for the next 10 days so will have more time than usual to help out! i will be making a custom overflow for my tank over the weekend and would be more than happy to cut down some acrylic for anyone or share my oven ;D

So far we have:

Bill(he just doesnt know it yet!)

We need a gang sign and a geeky theme song.

We need a gang sign and a geeky theme song.
That is FN hilarious!! ;D I cant get the A-team them song out of my head now for some reason with this image of Jon decked out as Mr. T!

It would be super fun if we got a bunch of people and nanos are a lot of fun PoM Most of you guys probably have enough spare parts laying around to get something going and everybody loves starting a new tank ;D

well alright just picked up a 20Long from petco…lets do this!!! im going the AIO route, as it worked out before for my other little nano…than and its going on my mantle so no place to drill it to…im excited!!!

Good luck guys ill be following along, ill hop in on the next one…

Its official. Ive been sabotaged!! I dont want to point any fingers but someone on this forum has really thwarted my efforts to get my tank started on my vacation!! slap-stick

anyways. im still hoping to make the july 31st deadline! i just have to get the tank broken down and drained to meet the requirements. i did get the overflow built but thats about it before i was stalled out!

ok im officially in. now we just need the rest of you ie shawn, corutney, bill (not sure if he knows he in it yet) and anyone else who wants in. ill post a link to my tank on my sig shortley

for some reason my link in my sig wont work so try this

we will be in for sure. things are going slower than expected but we will make it.

after the Atlantis Marine World tour, me thinks anything less than 20,000 gallons is a Nano-Reef Tank!

How about setting up a a nice, glass “Pico”?

Tee Em Up!

Yeah we are definitely in ;D

today is the very last day to start the competition…you guys in???

I posted my thread