We’ve been lucky so far, no losses other than a snail in the first couple months that never looked quite right. But now, the naso doesn’t look good. It’s got itself wedged in some rock, and its breathing a little heavy. We’ve had it for 2 months, its always been very healthy and its appetite x lg and never scrapes/itches himself on the rock or anything like that… a week ago i noticed an open sore area above its eye. it looked like a cut or a scrape… about 2mm x1mm x 1mm deep. it was redish and white, looked just like a human scape type wound, after about 4 days it looked as if it was healing…less red, more white tissue repairing appearance. i figured it was just a scrape, but now i’m not sure if its something else related to how its acting today… or??
i’m gonna scour the internet, but anyone that has an idea please share…
and i know a pic would be great, but he’s hiding in the back.
but if fish had eyebrows… this injured area would look like half of one
What are you feeding it? How often? What is it’s appetite like?(come out for food? stopped eating 2 days ago?) Any aggression from other fish at all? Any new fish additions?
Take the image you posted along with the information you already posted in addition to the answer to the questions I asked and ask the experts.
You’ll have to create logins for two new sites. First head to MarineDepot.com go the link for their Forums. Create a log in and start a new thread in the section labeled, “Disease, Health and Wellness - by Kelly Jedlickiâ€ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ. Second head to reeffrontiers.com and start a new thread in, “Marine Fish Discussion with Lee Birchâ€ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ. Make sure both sites will notify you by e-mail when a response is made.(this can be done on each thread I believe, but you also might want to check your settings to make this the default)
While you’re waiting answer the questions on our forum and maybe I can help a little. Also I would highly recommend reading through the stickys posted on Lee’s forum.
BTW, I would highly suggest purchasing a pH meter. I have a used meter I am selling, but it will need a new probe. I was asking $25 for the meter and I believe Charlie can order, and may even have in stock, a new pH probe.(brand of probe doesn’t matter they are interchangeable and all hobby meters have the same plug. The meter I have is a PinPoint. I use PinPoint on my tanks, just selling this one because I already have a pH controller and a second meter, don’t need a third)
It ate last night, wouldn’t come out today. its been getting some dry food and mysis, alternating every other day. Broccoli once a week, and some dried seaweed/macro couple times a week.
No new additions of fish for 1 1/2 months, no aggression… he’s the king of the tank anyway.
The tang has been very healthy in the past. I can attest to that.
As for what to do, that doesn’t look to good and I would love to come check it out myself but as I just let you know, I’m in the office for the rest of the day lol. If you want after we are done moving tomorrow, I can come over and take a look. I also have some supplements that you can add to your food that might help. I think I have told you but I add Vit C, Selcon, Vita Chem, and Garlic extreme to every batch of food that I give my fish. These products help with their immune system along with a variety of other things from my experience. I would suggest trying these in the food with more frequent feeding to help him recover. Others will probably disagree, esp with the overfeed and stuff like that, but it has worked for all of my fish when they get sick, and you don’t want him to continue on this path so, it is something that will help pretty quickly and hopefully help that beauty to recover well.
Good points Jcling. It is a very good idea to add these supplements if you are not already. If the tang will eat dry algae I would add small portions of it daily, for at least a week, soaked in these supplements. The smell of the garlic may even get him to eat when he isn’t already.
I believe DPA has most of these in stock though they run out from time to time.(for those viewing this I mention DPA because he is within walking distance of it I believe)
John…".ask the experts" thought you said you were the expert… LOL
Seriously though, i’ll look for a pic, and if it will eat again i’ll get some vit’s, but it doesnt look too good, its been panting in the same spot for over an hour now.
Theres a video of my tang on Delawares Premium Aquatics on facebook from bout 3 weeks ago… i erased it from my hard drive, and i don’t know how to copy it over from fb.
And heres a 2 week old pic, its looked just like this unitl now
The naso finally came out of the rocks after 5 hours without sign of it. not looking good…very skinny. we put it in the fuge so it doesnt get lost, and can keep an eye on it.
Malnutrition? it did look like it had been starved for weeks when it finally came out of the rock last night, but it’s looked fine in the past couple days before, within 2 days it looked like a jennycraig before and after photo…but leaning more towards a starving etheopian in the after pic… I’ve had it for 2 months…do you think it had problems before i got it? it was always active,healthy looking, a good eater, and i was told it seemed i was over-feeding by some members…
[quote=“saltcreep, post:14, topic:3006”]
do you think it had problems before i got it?[/quote]
Few, if any, fish don’t have problems before we get them. They go through disease baths I mean wholesalers facilities before they reach the LFS. One thing I will say though is many LFS don’t feed their fish properly however if you get it at DPA they usually do a very good job of feeding their fish.
Many never know exactly what happened. Keep an eye on the rest of the fish, keep them all well feed for at least a couple weeks, and make sure your chemistry stays stable. I wouldn’t run out and get another one give things a bit of time. Sorry for your loss.
I really suggest the book, “Marine Chemistry, A Complete Guide to water chemistry in Marine Aquariums”. Countless people spend time reading random articles online looking up certain terms in google while trying to get an understand of a particular subject. Fact is most everything is interrelated in one way or another and most would save lots of time if they just sat down and went through this fairly easy read. It starts off real slow and will review a lot you already know and ends up getting into some very interesting topics in the end.
Sorry to hear about the loss, I’ve had some bad luck with Naso’s before as well. They can be tough and can look like they are doing fine, then one day it all adds up and they don’t turn out so well. I think your making the right decision waiting a bit, make sure you have everything under control and make sure you can handle the extra bio load of adding one and try again in a few months or so.